The dumbest people you ve ever known

Who are some of the dumbest people you've ever known?
And why have you come to this conclusion?

I'll start.

I have two, one was an old bandmate/roomate of mine.
He was a hip hop DJ in his spare time, he sat around smoking weed all day every day. Never once got laid or so much as spoke to a girl in the 5 years I roomed with him.
Once, we ended up at a mutual friend's apartment, which is in a highrise on lake shore drive looking out onto the lake.
We are standing in the window admiring the view and he turns to me and in all seriousness asks 'Is that Lake Michigan?'
Right then and there I knew this motherfucker was indeed one of the dumbest humans on the planet.
I once saw him buy 100 dollars worth of hot apple pies at McDonalds because he was high.

The other one is an ex girlfriend of mine. She was a heroin junkie stripper with bright florescent red hair, gave me crabs also.
We were talking one day and I learned she was under the impression that all classical music was made by one man named Mozart Bach.
Every film score, opera, everything, all made by this one man.

So gimmie some stories of some stupid motherfckers you all know.
Let's have em.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

The dumbest people you ve ever known

I knew a guy in a philosophy class in college who was a creationist. He said he had irrefutable scientific proof that, just as Genesis says, there are fossils of human giants who existed in the time of Adam and Eve. What made it even more ludicrous is that he claimed to be a Thomist -- a follower of St. Thomas Aquinas's theology. Aquinas's work is probably the most difficult to understand out of all the philosophers. Just to put it in perspective, Thomas was a sort of preternatural genius along the lines of Mozart. He memorized the entire Bible.

The notion that a guy who claimed to have proof that giants walked the earth four thousand years ago was simulatenously a Thomist just sort of made my head spin.

He graduated with a philosophy degree from this good university, and he is now at seminary school.

That guy was definitely stupid. Can't think of anyone else as egregious as that.
Last edited by NerblyBear_Archive on Wed Dec 19, 2007 12:36 am, edited 4 times in total.
Gay People Rock

The dumbest people you ve ever known

NerblyBear wrote:I knew a guy in a philosophy class in college who was a creationist. He said he had irrefutable scientific proof that, just as Genesis says, there are fossils of human giants who existed in the time of Adam and Eve.

That guy was definitely stupid. Can't think of anyone else as egregious as that.

a Christian friend of mine once told me that dinosaur bones are actually the remains of demons killed by angels in some pre-history war between good and evil.
He really thought this and found shit in the bible that told him this and would show people and rant and rave about it.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

The dumbest people you ve ever known

Marsupialized wrote:a Christian friend of mine once told me that dinosaur bones are actually the remains of demons killed by angels in some pre-history war between good and evil.
He really thought this and found shit in the bible that told him this and would show people and rant and rave about it.

Yeah, you can pretty much find Biblical evidence for any claim you ever considered making.
Gay People Rock

The dumbest people you ve ever known

I went to an all boys catholic high school - and had to take religious studies I think every semester. Senior year, religious studies included sex education including birth control. So, I think we were talking about the morning after pill as being the only birth control option that was available after the fact. At that point, this guy Frank - an italian guy with a full fledged 5 o'clock shadow who unlike most other people in the room had probably had actual sex - raised his hand and asked "What about a condoms?"

The teacher - along with the roomful of accomplished masturbators - looked confused. "What about condoms, Frank?" he asked.

"Can't you use a condom after sex to keep the girl from getting pregnant?".

I realized at that moment this might be the stupidest person on the planet - and that he had no idea on how to prevent himself from fathering more equally stupid kids.

The dumbest people you ve ever known

Marsupialized wrote:The other one is an ex girlfriend of mine. She was a heroin junkie stripper with bright florescent red hair, gave me crabs also.
We were talking one day and I learned she was under the impression that all classical music was made by one man named Mozart Bach.
Every film score, opera, everything, all made by this one man.

know how to pick 'em.

seems this is something like "dumbest misconceptions you've ever heard" or something... here's a good one:

a woman i know who was raised in paraguay, prided herself on being well-versed in latin american culture, went to a us college and majored in spanish (way to challenge yourself there) and later became a spanish teacher:

when she was in college, she thought guantanamera was written by wyclef jean.
jimmy spako wrote:jeff porcaro may be gone but his ghostnotes continue to haunt me.

The dumbest people you ve ever known

world of pee wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:The other one is an ex girlfriend of mine. She was a heroin junkie stripper with bright florescent red hair, gave me crabs also.
We were talking one day and I learned she was under the impression that all classical music was made by one man named Mozart Bach.
Every film score, opera, everything, all made by this one man.

know how to pick 'em.

seems this is something like "dumbest misconceptions you've ever heard" or something... here's a good one:

a woman i know who was raised in paraguay, prided herself on being well-versed in latin american culture, went to a us college and majored in spanish (way to challenge yourself there) and later became a spanish teacher:

when she was in college, she thought guantanamera was written by wyclef jean.

buy my guitar. now with pictures!

The dumbest people you ve ever known

I go to uni with a few.

In some group work about health promotion one girl suggested a smoking SENSATION clinic for the overweight, heart attack prone husband of the family in the case study.

I thought about correcting her with "it's cessation, as in to cease or to stop" but then I thought 'fuck it'.
Tom wrote: I remember going in the back and seeing him headbanging to Big Black. He looked like he was raping the air- really. He had this look on his face like, "yeah air... you know you want it.".

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