The dumbest people you ve ever known

great thread!

Colonel Panic wrote:She said "Nope. Just cigarettes!" And she raised her cigarette to show me that she was indeed smoking.

I laughed and said, "Smoking isn't birth control." to which she replied, "Yeah, it decreases a woman's fertility. You didn't know that?"

you, sir, obviously know nothing. I suggest an apointment with the good Doctor Octagon for some sexual re-education...

Kool Keith wrote:
your panties are wet
take it easy don't sweat
you want some birthcontrol?
you can smoke a cigarette

exp(j*pi) + 1 = 0

The dumbest people you ve ever known

I used to date this girl who had this super-ditzy stepmom. She was telling me that one time said stepmom was talking about how great it is that Arnold Shwartenegger could overcome his speech impediment to become an actor. Girl's dad. aka stepmom's husband, corrects her by telling her that Arnold doesn't have a speech impediment, he's Austrian. Stepmom counters with "he is not Australian, that's not what they sound like.

I worked in a bakery for awhile with this buffed out, hair gelled meathead named Ennis. My roommate and I used to call him big, dumb Ennis. One time, Ennis and I were out in the cafe/retail area of this bakery and Ennis noticed the deli case was low on friut salad. Ennis did like his fruit salad, and, lamenting this circumstance, asked me, "you ever notice how like, when there's fruit, there's like a lot of fruit, but when there isn't a lot of fruit, it's like there's no fruit?"

Another time, big dumb Ennis was throwing some tantrum about not being able to find his preferred measuring spoons (not like he wasn't gonna fuck up the finished product anyways, which he always did. In fact, if you looked on the schedule and saw he was working with you, you knew you were in for a long fucking night). Another co-worker pointed out another set of measuring spoons and said to use those. Ennis said fuck that, those aren't the spoons he wanted to use. Other co-worker said well, beggars can't be choosers can they? Ennis' response to that was, "Shit. I'm gonna choose my ass off." has the species managed to last as long as it has?
You call me a hater like that's a bad thing

Ekkssvvppllott wrote:MayorofRockNRoll is apparently the poor man's thinking man.

The dumbest people you ve ever known

Colonel Panic wrote:Kind of surprised at her reaction, I asked "OK well I hope you're at least on the pill?"

She said "Nope. Just cigarettes!" And she raised her cigarette to show me that she was indeed smoking.

I laughed and said, "Smoking isn't birth control." to which she replied, "Yeah, it decreases a woman's fertility. You didn't know that?"

I knew a raver kid who smoked a bowl of seeds every month, as birth control. Smart guy.

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