Little details from your day

For reasons that I cannot get into, a friend has to spend £5k+ on office stationery over the next two days for the organisation that she works for; she is unhappy with having this dropped on her at the last minute. It is for charity, in an incompetent kind of way. If anyone has any useful or extremely funny suggestions, answers on a postcard please.
Gib Opi kein Opium, denn Opium bringt Opi um!

Little details from your day

benadrian wrote:
PEPPER! wrote:I got one of these today:


I have wanted one for 20 years. it sounds beautiful . . . Pops Staples is high-fiving Ike Turner in music Valhalla right now

Hell yeah!



there's no substitute for diming that thing, y'know. once it's all the way open, amazing things happen.
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

Little details from your day

6-4-3 wrote:I just got hit in the head by a chunk of snow (not ice, thankfully) that fell from the top of a high rise while coming back from lunch.

It left a mark. I am holding a paper towel to my head to stop the bleeding while typing one-handed.

I live another day.

I like how some of the buildings have barricades up on the side of the sidewalk that say "CAUTION: FALLING ICE" like you're supposed to actually see it coming and also not run into the 3 million other pedestrians who are also walking nearby.

Although, I did have kind of a chuckle when a small chunk of snow fell down and hit some woman on the shoulder the other day (not big enough to hurt her, just kind of freak her out) and she yelled "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT??!?!!?" while standing right next to a sign that said "CAUTION: FALLING ICE."

Little details from your day

tbone wrote:
6-4-3 wrote:I just got hit in the head by a chunk of snow (not ice, thankfully) that fell from the top of a high rise while coming back from lunch.

It left a mark. I am holding a paper towel to my head to stop the bleeding while typing one-handed.

I live another day.

I like how some of the buildings have barricades up on the side of the sidewalk that say "CAUTION: FALLING ICE" like you're supposed to actually see it coming and also not run into the 3 million other pedestrians who are also walking nearby.

Although, I did have kind of a chuckle when a small chunk of snow fell down and hit some woman on the shoulder the other day (not big enough to hurt her, just kind of freak her out) and she yelled "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT??!?!!?" while standing right next to a sign that said "CAUTION: FALLING ICE."

Please move this to dumbest thread.
dude, where's my life?

Little details from your day

i just returned from my xmas lunch with the firm. when i walked into the dining area i knew i was fucked: my new short boss hadn't yet arrived and there was nowhere to sit between two people; all the open spaces were at table ends. this meant that unless someone else sat next to me i was doomed to sit next to my new short boss. god, thou hast proven thy existence as a vengeful fucker. after a while i started getting antsy and about 30 minutes in i ordered a bourbon on the rocks. people looked at me funny and then a few others ordered wine or beer.

one of my co-workers, a___, asked me how i liked my new short boss. i responded that things are going fine. she said "you know, the first time i met him it was kind of weird." obviously i've heard this one before. she said that the way he behaves comes across and something he learned in a seminar or by reading a book on how to behave with new people. she said that he complimented her outfit. i noted that he does this with almost every new person he meets: compliments something of their attire, "i have those same shoes" is one i've heard more than once.

he asked how my burger (true medium) was and i commented how i was impressed that they actualy served it medium. this line of questioning was strategically used by my new short boss to segue, for the third time since i've met him, into this story:

"i was once in a restaurant and they served "kobe beef tartar." but then a few items down it said "kobe beef burger." i laughed to myself because i thought that whatever kobe beef tartar didn't sell that day became kobe beef burger the next day." <cue peter griffin (family guy) laughter>

yes, i've now heard this three times since he was hired just three months ago. in addition, three times during the meal he said, upon hearing something he considered closely enough related, "you know, that reminds me of a funny story" that isn't funny. or maybe it is, i don't know anymore.

afterwards i drove the cliff and watched the surf riders, 50 degree wind stinging against their weatherbeaten faces, fall continuously in sinuous trajection into and over the ocean surface.
Last edited by enframed_Archive on Wed Dec 19, 2007 5:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

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