Total votes: 12 (48%)
Total votes: 13 (52%)
Total votes: 25

Fuckin Awesome Shirt: This Dinosaur Jr. Shirt

Verbs and Nouns wrote:
Hexpane wrote: Men should not wear purple unless they are flaming gays, or forced to because of school/pro sports uniforms, or if their last name is Grimmace

Any person who tells me purple is their fav color has deep emotional issues.

Purple sucks a lot of sweaty euro dicks.

Me, last friday night...


I like purple t-shirts. I own two.

I neglected to mention that Rock Stars like you get a free pass, as long as you are rocking out you could dress like mudyvayne and get a free pass.

Even prince dresses in purple, as fugly and gaylord as that looks, the lil fella rocks harder than most despite this.

Fuckin Awesome Shirt: This Dinosaur Jr. Shirt

Hexpane wrote:
Verbs and Nouns wrote:
Hexpane wrote: Men should not wear purple unless they are flaming gays, or forced to because of school/pro sports uniforms, or if their last name is Grimmace

Any person who tells me purple is their fav color has deep emotional issues.

Purple sucks a lot of sweaty euro dicks.

Me, last friday night...


I like purple t-shirts. I own two.

I neglected to mention that Rock Stars like you get a free pass, as long as you are rocking out you could dress like mudyvayne and get a free pass.

Even prince dresses in purple, as fugly and gaylord as that looks, the lil fella rocks harder than most despite this.

Well, this is my drink of choice.

It's Too Late For Logic

Fuckin Awesome Shirt: This Dinosaur Jr. Shirt

that damned fly wrote:
m.koren wrote:
that damned fly wrote:there is nothing good about dinosaur jr.

J's gear ?

yeah, except he's playing through all of it at once at ear splitting volume.

I have personally experienced his stage volume (Lollapalooza '93) and I thought it was hilarious (I had earplugs).
Marsupialized wrote:The last time I saw her, she had some Jewish bullshit going on

ubercat wrote:You're fucking cock-tease aren't you, you little minx.

Fuckin Awesome Shirt: This Dinosaur Jr. Shirt

You do realize, Hexpane, that the definition of gaylord is male given name.

How is it that not only an inanimate object, but an object as abstract as a name can be dressed in any color, let alone purple?

Oh sure, I can see your argument, by saying somebody looks like a name, you're saying that maybe they look like a stereotypical homosexual name, such as Steve or Brad or Gary, and of course a Steve or a Brad or a Gary would be wearing purple.

Of course, then the correct phrasing, I think, would be so and so looks like a homosexual named Steve or Brad or Gary, because all homosexuals have names like that, and they all wear purple.

Is this your argument against purple?

Granted, you do backpedal if said wearer of said homosexual favored color is in a band (you ass-kissing he-groupie).
You call me a hater like that's a bad thing

Ekkssvvppllott wrote:MayorofRockNRoll is apparently the poor man's thinking man.

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