Burial, maker of music

Total votes: 31 (69%)
Not crap
Total votes: 14 (31%)
Total votes: 45

Musical concern: Burial

tmidgett wrote:A post-apocalyptic-Camden-market vibe.

I dunno, in October, Camden Market looked like it had already gone full circle from post-Apocalyptic all the way back to just plain old Apocalyptic.

I was jokingly told by another PRF member that the punks there are placed there by the local council, but I suspect he was not really joking.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

Musical concern: Burial

I've just been listening to this for the first time... I had a really bad first impression of it. Some of the samples sound like the generic dub samples that come with Reason... but I think I'm starting to "get" it. There are a lot of really subtle, delicate things going on. There isn't a deep musical structure, nor is there lots of in your face stylistic flaunting, it's just that after awhile something about it feels good.

Burial wrote:"It's more about when you come back from being out somewhere; in a minicab or a night bus, or with someone, or walking home across London late at night, dreamlike, and you've still got the music kind of echoing in you, in your bloodstream, but with real life trying to get in the way. I want it to be like a little sanctuary. It's like that 24-hour stand selling tea on a rainy night, glowing in the dark. It's pretty simple."

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