Roman Polanski

Total votes: 6 (19%)
Total votes: 26 (81%)
Total votes: 32

Director: Roman Polanski

Hexpane wrote:
Mark Hansen wrote:
Hexpane wrote:I wonder if he'd fuck me if I shaved my pubes clean?

I'd be a star fucker for realz new york!

Hexpane, you'd need to go through puberty first. :lol:

awww dayum dawg, i waz hopinz u'd hl3p m3 shav mi p33ch fuzz

I'll let you keep the clippins, no questions asked!

Only if I can do it with a straight razor. Hopefully, the blade won't slip. :twisted:
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Director: Roman Polanski

Hexpane wrote:Had to vote crap just because ...

you know, he is a child rapist. Its one thing to fuck children, since they can't truly consent its wrong, but its another thing to drug them and fuck them and not even get their illegal 'consent'.

Of course he will 'win' w/ a not crap the same way celebs get a free pass in real life if there are enough fan$.

The poll is "Director: Roman Polanski," not "Human Being: Roman Polanski."
We are The Fall in the Neighbourhood of Infinity

Director: Roman Polanski

I've seen Tess a couple of times and it's gone right out of my brain. Nothing memorable in it for me I guess. The post-Tess movies I've seen were Pirates, Frantic, and The Ninth Gate. They all had their moments, and I would watch them again, but those ones don't really convey such a weird heavy mood as earlier films did so well.

Director: Roman Polanski

I've seen Tess more than a couple of times, and with each viewing it feels more like Polanski is torturing Natassjia Kinski like some poor insect held under a magnifying glass by a pubescent brat.

Polanski is fascinated with female degradation, and not in a constructive way. He somewhat empathizes with his female characters, but he also creepily oogles their debasement. Repulsion , a perfect example of this, was gross (not to mention completely ludicrous). I think what Ace said about his not having ethics and it showing in his films is spot on.

I'm going to rewatch Chinatown (it's been a while) to see if it in fact jives with what Sparky was saying. More later.

Director: Roman Polanski

frelnamp wrote:Yes I think I see your point. Would you care to elaborate on how that would be a greater influence on Polanski's decision to seduce a 14 year old girl than the things I mentioned?

So, you don't think an early childhood spent hiding from people who want to kill you, and seeing whatever passes for morality turned upside down before your eyes, seeing a world filled with a different level of horror everyday, wouldn't affect someone, and perhaps cause them to lose their way?

I'm not saying it excuses him and what he did, because it doesn't, but I certainly think it set the stage for it to happen.

The easiest, most primitive, atavistic way for a victim to rectify the imbalance in their mind that they feel because they are a victim, is to become a victimizer.
Available in hit crimson or surprising process this calculator will physics up your kitchen

Director: Roman Polanski

Mark Hansen wrote:So, you don't think an early childhood spent hiding from people who want to kill you, and seeing whatever passes for morality turned upside down before your eyes, seeing a world filled with a different level of horror everyday, wouldn't affect someone, and perhaps cause them to lose their way?

I'm not saying it excuses him and what he did, because it doesn't, but I certainly think it set the stage for it to happen.

There. When I try to psychoanalyze Polanski that's exactly what I consider - but it really isn't enough to salvage his filmmaking for me. Just because he isn't as cynical as directors like the Tarantino and the Coen brothers, doesn't mean his worldview is any different.

It doesn't surprise me that he's so popular, and that people love him, but when I watch his films he basically talks about how mindless this world is, and, I don't know, that does nothing for me.
Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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