Little details from your day

i woke up hung over and bleeding from the head. covered in bruises.

i think i concussed myself after the work christmas party.

i think i should have gotten stitches.

a long shitty day at work with much nausea and dizziness. i had to clean the vent grills.

i ache.

i am house sitting for a friend. there is nothing here to comfort me and i am penniless.

my home is about 4 miles from here. my bike is broken and i lost my lock last night.

i could go on.
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

Little details from your day

I felt safer in Berlin than I have done anywhere else where I've lived - including Banbury. (Town of Culture.) My (female) flatmate has lived in the area for a year longer than me and testifies to this - we had a park in the former dead zone across the way, and she assured me on the first day that it is fine to walk through at night. And Kotbusser Tor is meant to be one of the feistier parts of Berlin (lots of junkies).

However, there is a fair amount of petty crime - some git who breathed loudly through his nose lifted my iPod when I was in my favourite bar. I partly blame myself for being careless, but I more blame the tea leaf sod. At least I had the compensation of my friend at the bar giving me compensatory shots.

But Tommy! Careful with the "Kraut" thing! They are frequently both nice and sensitive! I don't know why, something to do with history; I think something happened there....

Which is why I stopped doing my Basil Fawlty impressions after a month or so.

EDIT: I should caveat that by saying that Yvonne (former and hopefully future flatmate) does a brilliant abbreviated Hitler gesture, which I should demonstrate to you in person.

EDIT #2: Fuck, I've Hitlered this thread.
Gib Opi kein Opium, denn Opium bringt Opi um!

Little details from your day

sparky wrote:I felt safer in Berlin than I have done anywhere else where I've lived - including Banbury. (Town of Culture.) My (female) flatmate has lived in the area for a year longer than me and testifies to this - we had a park in the former dead zone across the way, and she assured me on the first day that it is fine to walk through at night. And Kotbusser Tor is meant to be one of the feistier parts of Berlin (lots of junkies).

However, there is a fair amount of petty crime - some git who breathed loudly through his nose lifted my iPod when I was in my favourite bar. I partly blame myself for being careless, but I more blame the tea leaf sod. At least I had the compensation of my friend at the bar giving me compensatory shots.

But Tommy! Careful with the "Kraut" thing! They are frequently both nice and sensitive! I don't know why, something to do with history; I think something happened there....

Which is why I stopped doing my Basil Fawlty impressions after a month or so.

EDIT: I should caveat that by saying that Yvonne (former and hopefully future flatmate) does a brilliant abbreviated Hitler gesture, which I should demonstrate to you in person.

EDIT #2: Fuck, I've Hitlered this thread.

Ha! I can't help it! my family have a knee-jerk hatred of Germans... Something to do with this thing of which you speak... I wouldn't say I've inherited it, but I can be a little free and easy with the 'K' word

But no... Germans are very nice, just don't let them gather in large groups or host the Olympics- neither of those things seem to go well for my people!

EDIT: Just a thought, I guess anywhere can be pretty rough- Though only place I've been threatened with being shot was in Amsterdam, right in the fecking city centre. My friend also had a knife pulled on him there- nothing like that has happened to either of us in London *TOUCHES ABOUT EVERY WOOD THING HE CAN SEE*

Little details from your day

My Christmas vacation started yesterday. Somehow I find myself sitting at work this morning. I guess it is the benefit of being the only person at the company that does not leave town during the holidays. As retribution I am going to steal a string cheese from the fridge. I will do my best to not feel guilty about it.


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