hey dude, been a long time!

yea there's a reason for that
Total votes: 6 (26%)
dude it's great to talk to you! thank god for the WWW!
Total votes: 17 (74%)
Total votes: 23

act: tracking down a long-lost friend on the internet

Thanks to this thread I tracked down two very old and dear friends of mine. We were best friends all throughout grade school, high school, and the first couple years of college. Even though we didn't attend the same high schools or colleges, we remained terribly close. I ended up losing track with both friends. They remained on the southeast side of Chicago/Indiana, and I moved up north, made new friends, etc. I haven't seen, or heard anything from either of them in almost twenty years. Last night I went MySpace hunting and came across both of them. Both are named "John." One of the John's was terribly excited to hear from me. He wanted to know all about my life, how my family is doing, etc., etc. This is the guy who gave me Big Sexy Land and VIVIsect VI which started me on my way to discovering underground music. It was so good to reconnect with him. The other John had nothing to say to me. He "friended" me, but I expected a huge "holy-shit-how-the-fuck-have-you-been" type message. I got nothin'. Maybe I'm just being a little insecure, but I'm thinking he realized one certain aspect of my life through MySpace he never considered.

I never came out to either of them when we were close friends. It was a much different time back in the 80's, especially growing up in a dead steel mill, blue-collar neighborhood. I always thought that one of the Johns, (the one into good music), would always be cool with it; the other John I suspected would have problems accepting it. He was really into metal back then as we all were, and he's still very into metal now it seems. I'm saddened that he hasn't taken any time to at least throw a "Hi!" my way. Maybe he needs time to adjust? Maybe it isn't all about me. Ah, that could be it.

Regardless, me and metal-John were in our first band together. We were called Crimsin. We wrote a song called "Sin:" My name is Sin / if you haven't heard / I'm inflicting the disease / and spreading the word / I live in your mind / I walk beside fear / when you hear my name / your time to go is near. \m/ Ha.

Anyway, metal-John still looks the same way he did in high school:


Here's to hoping he comes around.

act: tracking down a long-lost friend on the internet

Boombats wrote:
H-GM wrote:Anyway, metal-John still looks the same way he did in high school:


Here's to hoping he comes around.

Whoah, that photo... good luck is all I can say.


What's up man? It is great to hear from you!!! Things are ok here How are things with you? Dude next month it will be 10 years sence we last talked or saw each other. I Missed you Randy, I hope thigs are well for you and are having a great holiday. Give me a call sometime (xxx xxx xxxx) anytime its my cell. Maybe we can get together soon. I moved out to the country I live in North Judson IN its about an hour and a half from the old neighborhood. I am a fucking Hossier now lol.

...and I'm in his Top Friends. To think I was being a paranoid and insecure piece o' crap is sad to me. Die-hard metalheads living in rural Indiana have souls, and John really does have the biggest and most gracious soul I've ever encountered. Great guy and I can't wait to reconnect with him after all this time.

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