Rapeman videos

Charlie D wrote:
Some obviously fucked up individual with an IMDB account wrote:The plot of "Rapeman" may sound offensive for some viewers,however the film is not as violent and sleazy as many other notable pinku flicks.In fact it's surprisingly funny and humorous.The rape scenes are very tame and there is only a little bit of nudity,so the film can be enjoyed even by the viewers who dislike pinku genre.A perfect flick to cheer somebody up!


I really hope this guy was trying to be "funny".

that's always the hope, isn't it?
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

Rapeman videos

nihil39 wrote:
RWD wrote:Did Rapeman ever have any promo videos? I have a live video bootleg from a show in germany and there are videos for Budd and Hated Chinee preceeding it. Fan made?

Can you share those videos by youtube or any other upload site?

Thank you in advance.

I have all the technical know-how of a cowboy in a space-shuttle, but if Steve has no objections I can post the tape onto someone willing to do the job (I'm in the UK so not sure how conversions would work.) Like I said, there's also the concert and of course the original Budd shooting.

Rapeman videos

RWD wrote:
nihil39 wrote:
RWD wrote:Did Rapeman ever have any promo videos? I have a live video bootleg from a show in germany and there are videos for Budd and Hated Chinee preceeding it. Fan made?

Can you share those videos by youtube or any other upload site?

Thank you in advance.

I have all the technical know-how of a cowboy in a space-shuttle, but if Steve has no objections I can post the tape onto someone willing to do the job (I'm in the UK so not sure how conversions would work.) Like I said, there's also the concert and of course the original Budd shooting.

i'm sure there's a handful of more technically abled so-and-so's in the uk willing to get this done for us.

any takers?

c'mon, i'd love to see this.
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

Rapeman videos

r0ck1r0ck2 wrote:please.

i too would love to see this video.

it's christmas!

Actually, so would I - I don't even own a video player any more. From what I can remember the quality is variable, Steve isn't wearing glasses and he introduces Dutch Courage as 'When an American challenges a Frenchman to a fight'.

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