Remote control= zapper
This seems logical to me, but no one ever knows what I'm talking about. I am told that I make up a lot of words, or rather my family makes up a lot of words that I use. I never realize that they are made up though, so I'm sure I have more.
Personal Slang
243"Hundred problems": Issues/arguments/distress relating to one's SO/lover/date/that cute barista/you get the idea.
As in,
"Can I ask you about something?"
"What is it? You've got hundred problems?"
As in,
"I've got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain't one."
As in,
"Can I ask you about something?"
"What is it? You've got hundred problems?"
As in,
"I've got ninety-nine problems but a bitch ain't one."
Linus Van Pelt wrote:I subscribe to neither prong of your false dichotomy.
Personal Slang
244Many of you are very creative with your slang words! This thread was a good read.
I have friends who refer to this situation as the "clam jam."
Taking a dump: "Getting rid of the albatross," "sowing seeds of discontent," etc.
Having sexual intercourse: "Doing the baddest."
Smoking grass: "Having a safety meeting"
geiginni wrote:My wife has referred to the female equivalent of cock-blocking as "twat-blocking".
I have friends who refer to this situation as the "clam jam."
Taking a dump: "Getting rid of the albatross," "sowing seeds of discontent," etc.
Having sexual intercourse: "Doing the baddest."
Smoking grass: "Having a safety meeting"
Personal Slang
246fart = a gasket racket...
lemur68 wrote:I've always said there are two ways to guarantee getting on the news:
1) Be found hoarding 80 animals in your home.
2) Drive through a storefront.
I'm 6/80ths the way to #1.
Personal Slang
247BadComrade wrote:Tom Arnold said something like "Relax buddy, you might blow an o-ring" in a clip I saw from some movie (Austin Powers maybe?) when two guys were in the stall next to him, struggling in a fight.
Yeah. The useage of "O-ring" here made an impression on me as well.
Personal Slang
248As a teen, I hung a D.O.A. poster in my room that featured a wild west preacher with a bible in one hand and a gun in the other. Underneath it said "Repent you fucking savages, repent".
My father went off. He told me to take the filthy thing down. I asked if it was cool to keep it up if I covered the offending words. He said yeah.
In the same font as the poster, I changed the words to "Repent you good-time Erics, Repent" ("Good time Eric" was my father's name for me when he was pissed or if I didn't adequately do chores).
When he saw the poster, his face turned red and he went off on a rant about "Good time Eric, ramming around and not giving a fuck about anyone but himself".
Doing anything that involves leaving the house has since been known as "ramming" and being out and about is being "on the ram" and has been in for the last 26 years. My adult sons use the term and are probably unaware that most people don't. My 6 year old daughter used it in front of my father who is still angry about everything at 66.
His reply...a defeated "goddamnit..."
P.S. He recently saw a flyer for my band at the time (I was 16...this was '81) under the name "Good Time Eric and the Wraths of Merl" (at the time we were called "No Beverage"). He thought I had made the flyer solely to fuck with him. In actuality it made it to the marquis of the club we were playing at.
My father went off. He told me to take the filthy thing down. I asked if it was cool to keep it up if I covered the offending words. He said yeah.
In the same font as the poster, I changed the words to "Repent you good-time Erics, Repent" ("Good time Eric" was my father's name for me when he was pissed or if I didn't adequately do chores).
When he saw the poster, his face turned red and he went off on a rant about "Good time Eric, ramming around and not giving a fuck about anyone but himself".
Doing anything that involves leaving the house has since been known as "ramming" and being out and about is being "on the ram" and has been in for the last 26 years. My adult sons use the term and are probably unaware that most people don't. My 6 year old daughter used it in front of my father who is still angry about everything at 66.
His reply...a defeated "goddamnit..."
P.S. He recently saw a flyer for my band at the time (I was 16...this was '81) under the name "Good Time Eric and the Wraths of Merl" (at the time we were called "No Beverage"). He thought I had made the flyer solely to fuck with him. In actuality it made it to the marquis of the club we were playing at.
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental
Personal Slang
249something sad or annoying - 'that was well tears'
someone does something silly or fucks up - 'so and so has gone shocking'
someone does something silly or fucks up - 'so and so has gone shocking'
a sense of history