Insane Pot Forfeiture Robs Couple Of Half Mil Life Savings

this guy is only guilty of being incredibly stupid at this point...

I have MAYBE $500-1,000 in cash max at any given time, the rest in the bank in one way or another.

Even if you don't want to deposit it into an account where they throw fees at you, you can keep it in a deposit box.

A safe at your house is barely better than a shoebox, which is only marginally better than a locker at the bowling alley.
"If you can't get 'yer rock & roll across in less than two minutes,
another five isn't going to make the difference"
- Lin Brehmer

Insane Pot Forfeiture Robs Couple Of Half Mil Life Savings

Skronk wrote:I think this would've still happened if he were white.
I have a good feeling this would've happened regardless of the race of "the perp."
I also have a bad feeling (this seems the more likely) that because this man wasn't white and didn't put his money in the bank that he was tagged as being somehow "Un-American" and was seen as some "upstart Negro who thinks he's too good for American institutions" and was "naturally" seen as a potential "terrorist" aide.
What "God-fearing American" wouldn't put his money in the bank?
pwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
Rift Canyon Dreams

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