I'm looking for someone in Chicago who can help my brother Gabe. Gabe is canvassing for the Obama campaign this winter (in Chicago, then in Iowa for the January caucus) and flew out to Chicago this morning, only to find out that the person he is supposed to stay with has bounced out of town without telling him. Other than the guy who flaked on him, Gabe knows nobody in Chicago whatsoever. He is now looking up some youth hostels and motels out there from his cell phone, but my guess is Chicago is cold as fuck right now, he's volunteering his time and money and needs somewhere to go that doesn't require dropping a bunch of cash for a motel in the middle of town.
Gabe is my twin brother, is a cool guy, and a good houseguest. And he will be way grateful to anybody who can take him from out of the cold. Merry christmas!
Emergency Help: Please let my brother crash at your house
2For what it's worth to everyone else on here, Hamas (Max) is a friend of mine from school and asked me if I knew anyone in Chicago, and I suggested he post here.
Max makes music (http://www.myspace.com/hamas http://www.myspace.com/hatetruck), and is a really nice/cool guy. I haven't met Gabe, but if he's remotely like Max, and I lived in Chicago, I'd be letting him crash at my place tonight. Unfortunately, I don't.
So, I'm asking too. Can anyone help out my friend's brother?
Max makes music (http://www.myspace.com/hamas http://www.myspace.com/hatetruck), and is a really nice/cool guy. I haven't met Gabe, but if he's remotely like Max, and I lived in Chicago, I'd be letting him crash at my place tonight. Unfortunately, I don't.
So, I'm asking too. Can anyone help out my friend's brother?
Emergency Help: Please let my brother crash at your house
3Has a happy ending come to this tale?
Rift Canyon Dreamspwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
Emergency Help: Please let my brother crash at your house
4Not as far as I know. Max had to leave his house right after he posted this, so I've been checking back here every so often to see if someone's responded so I can PM them Max's number so they can get in touch with Gabe.
I just text messaged Max, so I'll post an update as soon as I get one.
I just text messaged Max, so I'll post an update as soon as I get one.
Emergency Help: Please let my brother crash at your house
5Thanks for an update.
Rift Canyon Dreamspwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
Emergency Help: Please let my brother crash at your house
6Max said all is well, so I guess someone PM'd him or something.
Thanks to whoever made Gabe's night!
Thanks to whoever made Gabe's night!
Emergency Help: Please let my brother crash at your house
7I concur.thebookofkevin wrote:Max said all is well, so I guess someone PM'd him or something.
Thanks to whoever made Gabe's night!
I'm happy your friend's brother got a place to stay.
Rift Canyon Dreamspwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
Emergency Help: Please let my brother crash at your house
8Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:I concur.thebookofkevin wrote:Max said all is well, so I guess someone PM'd him or something.
Thanks to whoever made Gabe's night!
I'm happy your friend's brother got a place to stay.
Knowing some of these people here, I imagine he'll be in the market for some morning after pills today
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom
Emergency Help: Please let my brother crash at your house
9thebookofkevin wrote:
Thanks to whoever made Gabe's night!
Yr welcome. Nice kid. Listens to too much of the rap music, though.
What if the innkeeper turned Mary and Joseph away? I ain't goin' out like that.