Rapeman videos

Fuck'n a I wish I had a time machine.

I got to watch the Budd ep be recorded..Was that at Neo's? Hey, this info is important..

I quite like the Budd video. It looks like a Rorschach inkblot test.

I also like to hear my Harmonic Percolator during the SQWEEE parts in Hated Chinee.

Any opportunity to see Mr. Washam drum is golden.

Rapeman videos

Redline wrote:
Fuck'n a I wish I had a time machine.

I got to watch the Budd ep be recorded..Was that at Neo's? Hey, this info is important..

I quite like the Budd video. It looks like a Rorschach inkblot test.

I also like to hear my Harmonic Percolator during the SQWEEE parts in Hated Chinee.

Any opportunity to see Mr. Washam drum is golden.

i have told all that I meet that Rapeman was 4x better than Big Black, and my favorite of all Steve Albini projects - they were fierce live, and the songs really moved. No offense to Bob, whom I love as a brother, but David Sims was the Balls. With the crazy eyes!

also, Jay, the SQWEEE parts are my favorite, especially in Radar Love Lizard and that song where steve pretends to be a woman and talks about shaving his pussy. Right up there with the squealing feedback on Throb Throb...... Much love for the feedback.

Rapeman videos

the$inmusicisallmine wrote:
also, Jay, the SQWEEE parts are my favorite, especially in Radar Love Lizard and that song where steve pretends to be a woman and talks about shaving his pussy. Right up there with the squealing feedback on Throb Throb...... Much love for the feedback.

i think that song is "trouser minnow", not "radar love lizard"

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