Looking for cheap, basic sample triggering device

I have been looking, but still haven't found the perfect thing.

All I am looking for is a small, portable box that can store around 60 seconds of 44.1k / 16bit stereo sound and trigger it from a single button push. Timing is important, so I can't just do it from an iPod or similar. On the beat. That's it.

I don't need to do loops, edit on the go, record MIDI etc., and I've been wading through a ton of cruddy DJ gear and things discontinued in 1998.

Preferably cheap (under £100/$200), and in production. There must be something out there that can do this incredibly simple job. Is there?

Looking for cheap, basic sample triggering device

Benny wrote:Boss SP-303. small, cheap, does what you want. it's not in production, but i bet you can get one on ebay for less than 200$

That's an SP404. Both the 303 and 404 looks nice, but they are lot more expensive and complicated than I was hoping for. Plus, I need it within two weeks, so can't really do the 'wait around on eBay' thing.

Thanks for looking though.

Looking for cheap, basic sample triggering device

Because what immediately springs to mind when you say 'cheap', 'basic', 'small' and 'portable' is the Boss SP-202 - the Dr Sample.




Polyphony - 4 voices
Oscillators - None
Sampler - 31.25kHz (hi-fi), 15.63kHz (standard), 7.81kHz (lo-fi), 3.91kHz (lo-fi 2); 32 to 260 seconds
Sequencer - None
Effects - Pitch, Filter, Resonant Filter, Time stretch, Ring Modulator, Delay Memory - Holds 16 samples; offline storage to SmartMedia 5.5v Memory Card Keyboard - None, 8 touch pads
Control - MIDI Date
Produced - 2000
Est. Value - $450

I've used one of these, and for what we were doing its cheapness was - ahem - just right.

The maximum sample rate *might* be a problem.


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