Blastomeres Formed By Cleavage Of A Zygote

maybe its just the times fingering its clit and cowering away from a million hate mails from ron paul supporters.

gawker makes no mistake about its hate for ron paul but they do have shots of him buddy hugging some stormfront dudes.

and isn't saying "ron paul took money from Don Black, founder of stormfront, not stormfront" splitting hairs?

does this make ron paul a nazi? no. but i'm sure it will cost him a some votes.

Blastomeres Formed By Cleavage Of A Zygote

Rick, take a look over at StormFront...they have banners for Ron Paul all over their website asking for donations. In fact, much of what they like about Ron Paul, if we look at the substance of their posts, is in synch with what you've been writing about for ages--and their complaints (re. NWO, Globalism, Immigration, Bank Infrastructure, etc.) tally with yours quite often. I mean, how are you going to distance yourself from that? I'm not saying that you advocate the same views, but there is a cross-over for sure.

I can pull up quotes if you like....but the fact is, they like your candidate and they like his message.

Maybe it's just opportunism on their part, but that is also a concern.
Last edited by Cranius_Archive on Fri Dec 28, 2007 7:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

Blastomeres Formed By Cleavage Of A Zygote

I'm not going to presume to answer for Rick Reuben, but for my part, it looks like the appearance of the megaphone icon in a pro-Ron Paul pro-Caucasian website could conceivably point to it being some weird Israeli and/or US intelligence, pseudo-intelligence operation designed to discredit Ron Paul by association. Similar things have happened as well.

I'm not totally sold on Ron Paul, but I think this is possible, understasndably "laughably absurd" to someone else....

Blastomeres Formed By Cleavage Of A Zygote

It took Paul ten years to distance himself from the virulently racist stuff that appeared in his own political newsletter (or at least the most obvious stuff re: the L.A. riots, which he claims he didn't write). Clearly there was no backlash from his subscribers for those commentaries at the time of their publication. Since then he has refused requests to release the full 90s archive of his subscription-only political newsletter.

Perhaps the StormFront dudes are impressed that, while Paul has distanced himself from those statements, he has never publicly apologized for or retracted, let alone expressed outrage at, the racism expressed under his own byline. Further, all said commentaries have been attributed to unnamed "campaign aides." Has he ever apologized for hiring racist aides, who espouse racist trash in his name? Nope.

Blastomeres Formed By Cleavage Of A Zygote

Not really sure why you felt the need to change the thread title, but...I'll play:

"So Rick, tell us what you learnt about Ron Paul from the Stormfront forum?"

There's a 878 page thread of people who hold similar views to yourself. Here it is if you need some pointers: Ron Paul Revolution (NSFW)

Perhaps Ron Paul is just another politician that will say anything and take money from anyone to appeal to as many disenfranchised, marginal voters as possible? I doubt he's one of them, but he's happy to count on their votes.

Revolution, my hairy arse.

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