Musical concern: Burial
181Anyone who brings up Susan Sontag while trying to discuss rock and roll doesn't understand rock and roll.
Moderator: Greg
mr.arrison wrote:...I just wanted to state for the record that their uninteresting, theatrical, sample-heavy performance on the Jimmy Kimmel show was both completely KITSCH and stupid.
run joe run wrote:Anyone who brings up Susan Sontag while trying to discuss rock and roll doesn't understand rock and roll.
Colonel Panic wrote:No form of art is intrinsically "high", "low", "good" or "bad".
Colonel Panic wrote:BTW Nina, you'll always be Nina Nastasia to me no matter what you say.
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.
Colonel Panic wrote:On the flip-side of this question, are there any musical art forms/genres that are totally serious and completely devoid of camp and whimsy?
Is there not some classical music that fits the definition of camp? What about P.D.Q. Bach or the La Gran Scena Opera Company?
Ace wrote:derrida, man. like, profound.
tocharian wrote:Rock music does not require the degree of engagement that serious art requires (such as classical or jazz, I'm guessing, when it ceased to be principally the music of dive bars and brothels). Nor does it anywhere near approach the content of a serious work or art, such as a volume of poetry.
Most people I know who "grow out" of rock do so for these reasons. What rock lacks in engagement and content it makes up for in affectation and stylization. See Fugazi, etc.
Now, I know and care fuck all about jazz so feel free to ream me here, but it's my understanding that jazz and rock have similar musical roots and jazz branched off and became in large part "musician's music" while rock remains a popular form. And so I ask, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THAT!?! Doesn't something have to be the popular form? Isn't it ok if it's primitive and campy? Seems like by trying to make it "art" you either damage art or you damage rock, and why would you want that?
tocharian wrote:However, I still think that a lot of you guys are coming across as anti-intellectual crybabies who want your Slint albums christened as "art".
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