Watchmen Movie Website

I think people are going to eat this movie up. The level of detail is insane. Anyone connected with the film has commented on the level of detail.

An interesting thing about Watchmen is the absence of thought balloons in the entire comic. This is the primary reason why here is so much speculation on the meta-plot of Watchmen. So when it comes to making a movie, the lack of thought balloons is going to help - Watchmen is essentially a storyboard anyway. I mean, that's the idea behind much of the graphic novel - the cinematic feel of a movie in a comic.

This is a frame for frame adaptation, with live action. The only cgi is Dr Manhattan's glow and Rorschach's mask. Oh, and the space scenes are cgi also...

Watchmen Movie Website

ubercat wrote:I think people are going to eat this movie up. The level of detail is insane. Anyone connected with the film has commented on the level of detail.

An interesting thing about Watchmen is the absence of thought balloons in the entire comic. This is the primary reason why here is so much speculation on the meta-plot of Watchmen. So when it comes to making a movie, the lack of thought balloons is going to help - Watchmen is essentially a storyboard anyway. I mean, that's the idea behind much of the graphic novel - the cinematic feel of a movie in a comic.

This is a frame for frame adaptation, with live action. The only cgi is Dr Manhattan's glow and Rorschach's mask. Oh, and the space scenes are cgi also...

okay, I'm going to take a little issue with that. I don't really think that a comic is a storyboard. I know they look alike, but a comic is a finished product, not a production tool. When you look at something like Watchmen, the pace is strongly dictated by the paneling - note how entire page splash panels are not used until the final chapter. Note the nine-to-a-page spacing and the way that gets broken up; it's a dramatic/narrative device that is unique to the comics form. Go and have a look at it again, really and marvel at the use of the panel. None of this was chance, and I am fairly sure that this was something Moore and Gibbons worked very hard on when plotting.

Watchmen Movie Website

I said 'essentially'. I am aware that Watchmen was designed to break the 'limitations' of the form.

I guess I should have said, "Watchmen can be used as a storyboard. It's currently being used as a storyboard - Z. Snyder carries it like a bible while directing. Z.S. is also using each frame to set up each shot."

Watchmen Movie Website

ubercat wrote:I said 'essentially'. I am aware that Watchmen was designed to break the 'limitations' of the form.

I guess I should have said, "Watchmen can be used as a storyboard. It's currently being used as a storyboard - Z. Snyder carries it like a bible while directing. Z.S. is also using each frame to set up each shot."

Cheers. I hadn't stumbled over that and that's pretty interesting to me.

I'm dubious about this one although I'm really keen to give it a chance. I have always thought it was unadaptable in a way, but it seems ZS is trying hard, and I did enjoy his version of Dawn Of The Dead.

I'm also, as you may possibly note, an awful geek about comics as a form.

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