A Place To Bury Strangers

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Total votes: 3 (100%)
Total votes: 3

Band: A Place To Bury Strangers

Fine band, yet their name needs to be added to the list of really dumb monikers to be used in the past 5 years.

Let's go ahead and make a list of these recent and really fucking terrible band names, for the sake of nothing other than having something to do:

A Bullet for My Valentine
Between the Buried and Me
As I Lay Dying
My Chemical Romance
Funeral for a Friend
Every Time I Die
A Perfect Murder
Bury Your Dead
I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness

It's actually pretty funny if you substitute another word for the last in each of these band names, like 'dick' or 'mom.' "I Love You but I've Chosen Mom" would be an awesome band name.

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