dlayphoto - Nerd? Needy?

night_tools wrote:
Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:I think that everyone here is missing the point -- and the point is that video games are totally gae.

Forget about Cum, we have a new troll.
Or an old troll, I don't know....

Actually, I was just trying to change the subject by being absurd.

In doing so, I had hoped to change the course of this dickheaded and mean-spirited thread.

Which I did.

So fuck you!

dlayphoto - Nerd? Needy?

In my experience, on some boards everyone has themself as an avatar and on some boards nobody does. And never the twain shall etc

Mr Dlay, let me try to explain the unwritten rules of this forum.

1. Never EVER be enthusiastic about anything that isn't a small fluffy animal.

2. Pretend you dont love Shellac/Steve. Like them, but never act like you love them. You get -5 points for this, so beware!

3. Only use incorrect grammar; and punctuation, if. You're prepared to defend your:self.

4. Do not start a crap/not crap topic that has been done anytime in the last 17 years. This one is punishable by death. Or some would like it to be.

5. Be ever so slightly mean to everyone for no reason.

6. In to the talk of the fake in the italian with the accent to the muy and so forth. Obviously I havent mastered it yet.

7. If this is your first time at nerd club, you HAVE to nerd.
simmo wrote:Someone make my carrot and grapefruits smoke. Please.

dlayphoto - Nerd? Needy?

leave it to dlayphoto to tell someone else, (shhhhh! cum), to check out makeoutclub.com. i thought his avatar picture always looked like a craig's list advertisement, but then again, who am i to say. but now that makeoutclub got dropped i can officially say, perhaps, sexual predator????
"I'm gonna get me a grapefruit," Barry says, adding with a phlegm chortle—"I don't cut; I don't shoot." - Marion Barry

dlayphoto - Nerd? Needy?

His avatar photo looks like, presumably, him. Your complaint is the equivalent of approaching a random stranger on the street and saying "I don't like the looks of you." Grow up.

Bradley, I have re-thought my original surrender. There is absolutely nothing gae about Breakout. Show me the gaeness of Breakout, Mssr. Weissenberger!
Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.

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