Little details from your day

Ditched my NYD tradition of going to a movie and instead had brunch with my pal from DC. We went to the Strand after, and I purchased some books, amongst which were John Sinclair's Guitar Army and one called The Art Of The Japanese Baseball Card.

I also ran into one of my old teachers/mentors, who said that he came over to where my friend and I were standing because he recognized my voice. Of course, this sent me into a shame spiral.

I am about to put one of my New Year's resolutions into practice: play more poker.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

Little details from your day

Woke up at 12:30 PM and found out that relatives were coming over for dinner at 2. Called up a newish female friend to wish her a happy new year and just to kill time before I had to bullshit with family. Hopefully, she and I will do something over the weekend.

In the meantime, my best mate and I are going to go see Juno and Margot At The Wedding this Thursday.
Dr. McNinja wrote:I just surfed a robo dracula from the Moon, so all y'alls can just take it.

Little details from your day

From Sunday but several days later I am still struggling to shake the image from my mind and fear permanent damage. Sequestering myself to the khazi at my girlfriend's parent's house for a nice relaxing pooh, I was preparing for action when the fizzog of deranged simpleton Daniel O'Donnell swam into view, leering at me from a calendar on the opposite wall. I am unable to fathom the facial expression but to look at it is like having the magnified essence of the Eoin McLove episode of Father Ted beamed directly into my skull.

Jumpers! Cakes! Gah!


Little details from your day

First day jobless proper- handed in my notice a couple of weeks ago after tiring of shit pay and being treated like a cunt on a daily basis. spending today (and probably the next few weeks) reworking an old play. Only problem is its impossible to listen to any music with vocals whilst writing and I'm getting bored with all the instrumental music I do have.

Anyone got any suggestions/recommendations of favoured instrumental music?

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