bands you admit you know nothing about

projectMalamute wrote:
Mark Hansen wrote:
projectMalamute wrote:I've yet to hear the Swans. Someone who's taste I generally trust told me that when he first heard this band they really freaked him out. He said it sounded like there was something WRONG with them(which to me is a huge friggin endorsement). Is this even the same band? ... re=related

Yes, that is the Swans.

I think this is more what your friend was talking about though:

And then there's this ironic video someone threw together and posted on youtube: ... re=related

Yeah, that's a whole different kettle of fish right there. Worth further investigation for sure. Is the Joy Division cover an aberration or did they jump the shark at some point? Cause that shit is weak.

I think it's more accurate to say they (actually, mostly Gira) switched gears, and went in a more organic direction musically.

His Angels Of Light material is fantastic.
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bands you admit you know nothing about

Arson Smith wrote:
eldupay wrote:
Arson Smith wrote:Primal Scream

(am I missing anything?)


Cool. I didn't think I was.

yeah, i was in the same boat about Primal Scream and had always wondered about them...

one i haven't checked out but want to really bad is Scratch Acid...and Fad Gadget...
lemur68 wrote:I've always said there are two ways to guarantee getting on the news:

1) Be found hoarding 80 animals in your home.

2) Drive through a storefront.

I'm 6/80ths the way to #1.

bands you admit you know nothing about

and when it comes to social distortion, it seems i know more chicks than dudes that are into that band...personally i hate the singer's take a duck fart and run it through a saxophone and you'd get his voice...but the songs are good...some of them anyways...
lemur68 wrote:I've always said there are two ways to guarantee getting on the news:

1) Be found hoarding 80 animals in your home.

2) Drive through a storefront.

I'm 6/80ths the way to #1.

bands you admit you know nothing about

Billy Childish. Any Clevelanders here probably know that John at Bent Crayon worships this guy. I've walked into a conversation about Childish at least three times.

The National. Smog. Broken Social Scene and the other bands on Arts & Crafts. Of Montreal. Calexico. Magnetic Fields.
Dr. McNinja wrote:I just surfed a robo dracula from the Moon, so all y'alls can just take it.

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