Right now...
Replicator- Soda Troll
I love this song!
What song are you rockin to?
3"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."
-Winston Churchill
-Winston Churchill
What song are you rockin to?
4Rodan - "Jungle Jim" from Aviary - 8 Track Demos
Better yet, eat the placenta!!!
What song are you rockin to?
5"we write threnodies, we write explosions" by storm&stress
I'm not exactly "rockin" to it, more like awkwardly-flopping-out-of-my-chair to it
I'm not exactly "rockin" to it, more like awkwardly-flopping-out-of-my-chair to it
What song are you rockin to?
6bedhead "what fun life was"
and once that's over the new dead meadow "feathers"
and once that's over the new dead meadow "feathers"
What song are you rockin to?
8Otis Redding live: "I can't turn you loose"
Last edited by bumble_Archive on Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
What song are you rockin to?
9Angus Jung wrote:It could be a Hair Police record but I think it's a vacuum cleaner.
Hai Police on the cd player, Tiny Tim on the turntable, vacuum cleaner picking up marbles off the hardwood floor...yeah I'm mad at the woman downstairs why do you ask?