Greatest Band Ever

New Complete songs! Oh man, I can't wait to get home tonight and listen to these. This has made my evening.... I am loving the pictures too. Very excited about hearing "Eve"....
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


Greatest Band Ever

Complete didn't have to be called Complete. There are plenty of other words that have all 'um letters in the name:

Code: Select all

$ grep -i c.*m.*p.*t /usr/share/dict/words | wc -l

You get to choose from 606 gems like "circumspect" and "microhymenopteron" and "vasculolymphatic"

If you need the "c" as the first letter:

Code: Select all

$ grep -i ^c.*m.*p.*t /usr/share/dict/words

You still have 372 possibilities such as "chromoplast" and "computer" and "cosmopolitanism".

If you don't care what order all 'um letters is in:

Code: Select all

$ grep c /usr/share/dict/words | grep m | grep p | grep t 

Then you open things up to 3,523 choices such as "copolymerization" and "encephalomyelopathy" and "kleptomaniac" and "meatoscope" and "papillectomy".

But this reformed Complete concerns me. If it's just Curt & Mark from the original lineup, then the two other guys better have first names starting with P or L.
Let's stick together and futurize our attitudes!

Greatest Band Ever

trouble in Hoogie boogie land?
Current mood: disappointed
Category: Music

this is a message he sent me and I have decided to post it after what he sent Darth Crayfish

this is not a Complete Page,more like a Barbed Page,or whatever they called,well if yall are just going to promote that band and not Complete,i guess i am out,i think that barbed was a horrible band anyway,and i would smoke curtis on the guitar right now anyway if thats what yall want good luck,the fans wanted Complete anyway peace out Mark

This is what I replied to mark

All I did was give the fans of complete a free set of songs featuring two of the members of the original CMPT, not once did I say Barbed is coming back or promote it one bit. And yea, Barbed was a shit band, but I don't know if you noticed this or not but so was CMPT, and a shit band is what they want or did you not actually know that? all i did was give them something to listen to while they wait. And then you go and attack curt and say you could smoke him on the guitar what are you twelve grow the fuck up dude if you don't want to be in the new complete then you don't fucking have too it's all for fun anyway.

Then I saw this message he sent to Darth Crayfish

Not to sure of the status of Complete at this moment,as Curt will not return my calls,seems he is a bit busy with that other band called Barbed,which i am not a part of,and dont want to be a part i think they are horrible.That being said,i will most likely start a new band,in the style of Complete,but with much better stylings,guitar parts,and vocals(wont be hard).should be interesting......more to come.......should have a song or 2 up soon,thanks for all your support

Why is their trouble in Hoogie boogie land you ask? i'll tell you why, because someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed and decided to go postal just because a few songs from barbed featuring curt and peter from complete were put on the complete page, give me a fucking break.

tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.

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