Little details from your day

It is so cold in my office that I had to run across the street to the museum bookstore and buy one of our logo sweatshirts.

The ones that were on sale were cotton candy pink. I bought one, in a size that I percieve as being too small. It will stay in my locker here because I would never wear a sweatshirt from my job out in public.

Strangely enough, it is not the only cotton candy pink sweatshirt I own.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

Little details from your day

Today I took a pilgrimage to Manchester to see Mr. Jay Ryan's gallery before it closed next week! It was completely brilliant! Here are some photos to show y'all what you been missin'.









I basically spent about two hours in there looking at all the wonderful sketches and prints. Much love to Mr. Ryan and Ms. Sudyka for bringing this amazing gallery over the pond and making a long trip down to Blighty so thoroughly worthwhile. Did I mention this was great? It was great!

Incidentally, while I was there I also scored Jay Ryan's fantastically awesome 100 Posters 134 Squirrels art book. I think it's the nicest book I own. Please purchase one for your coffee table. It really is a beautiful little collection.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.

Little details from your day

Dope pictures, tommy. Also, I love those dinosaur ones with the furniture. He's even using a prehistoric aquatic reptile very few people know about (the name escapes me, but it's basically a giant Ichtyosaur species).

I watched Touch The Sound today, a documentary about the deaf percussionist Evelyn Glennie. Awesome.
Dr. McNinja wrote:I just surfed a robo dracula from the Moon, so all y'alls can just take it.

Little details from your day

DregsInTheCrowd wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:you played it all wrong on every level

Pretty much. I'm inexperienced at this stuff. EVERY level, I agree.

Well not every level, otherwise she wouldn't talk to you and have fun. Look, you were a puss when it came to the email... you don't have any clue what happened, or if she even got it. Just buck up, laugh it off and start from scratch.

Ask her out within 48 hours or less. If she's single you don't want to wait for someone else to snap her up.

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