
Total votes: 39 (89%)
Total votes: 5 (11%)
Total votes: 44

OS: Windows Vista

The worst things about Vista are not its look-and-feel (which in my opinion are scarcely an improvement over XP, and in some areas are a definite step backwards). The worst things about Windows Vista are the methods it uses to handle personal user security, and more seriously, its so-called "digital rights management" features.

Vista basically wastes your computers resources on routines intended to limit or curtail user functionality. It gathers personal information about users automatically and makes that information available to Microsoft's business partners. It is constantly checking your machine's hardware infrastructure (at a rate of approximately one poll per .1 second) to make sure you haven't installed any devices intended to pirate copyrighted media...

It does all this using processor time that you paid for. Microsoft basically forced you to purchase a more expensive machine with one of the fastest and most powerful processors available, just so that it could run as about as well as a much lesser machine would under XP.

Saying "I've been using Vista every day and have had no problems, so don't tell me it's not good" is like telling the EPA you don't want to know about the amount of mercury or arsenic in your water, because "I drink it every day and it quenches my thirst so don't tell me what I don't know aobut it".

I have to run right now, bit I'll post again later and explain in more detail about Vista.

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