The Dark Knight

Nice trailer. I'm not as overexcited as I assumed I'd be, considering how much I enjoyed Batman Begins, but that's probably a good thing; means they didn't just throw all of the best scenes into the preview.

Or, conversely, it means it sucks. I don't think it will, though.
I have been influenced by posters

The Dark Knight

I'm pretty excited about this. I wasn't(and still might not be) sure about the casting of the Joker. I like TyWebb's idea of Luke Skywalker -since he did such a great job as the voice of the Joker. I can see that this production crew wants to put its own, unique footprint in the Batman saga. I just hope they don't take too many liberties. I didn't like that first chase scene in Batman Begins. Batman would never intentionally hurt the cops or make their cars flip or whatever.
pro-tools is for amateurs

The Dark Knight

The Ra's Al Ghul character was clearly analogous to Reubob in that movie. Both paranoid and insane, both trying to preach unlikely messages to the rest of the world before it's too late and both totally serious 100% of the time and utterly incapable of making a joke about 9/11 in a internet forum thread about a superhero. Yup.

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