Your favorite all around Compressor?

i got my Greg modified with an "acid" boost. totally worth the investment if you ask me.

oh, and i've had more time to mess with my chandler germaniums. they are really special. they can go from being extremely transparent to very colorful. they have a steep learning curve, but once you get the hang of it, it's a very deluxe and versatile compressor, particularly with the integrated "wet/dry" control.
Michael Gregory Bridavsky

Russian Recording

Your favorite all around Compressor?

So, earlier this week, as I am building my studio, I pose this question to my friend Colm, who is a fantastic FOH engineer, one of the two best I have ever heard.

He doesn't even hesitate:
"DBX 161. The one with the VU meters."

Today I call my friend in SF, Deanne. She is the other FOH engineer of the "top two."

She is selling the rack mounted version of same: two DBX 161, custom modded to take XLRs in back.

I may have to sell my car.

1972 Dodge Dart, V8 318. 84k miles. PM me....
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

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