Watch out for Peter Marq

It's a case of which is more plausible, I guess.

Either the dude killed himself - feasible because he was clearly off his rocker.
Or the dude faked his own death - feasible because he was clearly off his rocker.

I hope it's the latter. Like I said, internet asshattery aside it is a shame when anyone dies at that age. I hope he's alive and this is some act of enormous douchbaggery that we came to know and expect.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.

Watch out for Peter Marq

sumay wrote:I must be a jerk, because I am now listed as a troll.

I apologize for my recent posts even if I am pretty sure of my gut feeling on this.

I can be rude. Sorry.

It's just a phase. You'll grow out of it.
arthur wrote:Don't cut it for work don't cut it to look normal, people who feel offended by your nearly-30-with-long-hair face should just fuck off.

Watch out for Peter Marq

Hey folks, I lurk here regularly but don't post. I've been personally involved in this fiasco and there is an interesting twist which I am sure the hallowed Electrical forum may devise an ingenious solution with.

The piece of gear in question is a Neotek Series I. I rescued it from a maniac landlord of Hiwatt's back in June. It sat in my apartment for some time (man, it felt great to say "Let's have a drink at the console," but that's neither here nor there) until Hiwatt entered into an agreement to sell it to this Marq fellow.

Mr Marq showed up at my apartment about 2 months ago to pick it up along with a couple buddies to help haul it out. In general they seemed like good folks and the guy who said he was going to build a power supply for it was in fact a physicist at a research lab associated with the university I work for. Marq himself seemed rather scrappy and to generally suck at life but he was a good talker. He invited himself to have a shot with me (we used orange rum, the only liquor I had in the house); upon learning I do video work he offered to pay me in drugs if I could spec out and install some video lights in his up-and-coming studio.

Anyhow the rest of the story has been told by Hiwatt, but here's the twist: he left his coat in my apartment, with address book in the front pocket. I tried to contact him by way of his physicist friend (sent an email on the university server) but of course didn't hear back.

I'd look forward to hearing this community's fucked up suggestions re what to do with this gentleman's little black book.

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