What s on your coffee today?

Well, I had a twenty-hour long session the other day, and consumed twelve cups of coffee. While each one had slightly different patterns on it (due to the inprecise amounts of sugar and cream in each cup), they were basically variations on the following theme.

There was a vast meadow, with grass, weeds and flowers adorning a pseudo-English countryside. Peering deeper into the cup, I could see various insects crawling and flying about the assembled foliage. There were catterpillars, ants, grass spiders, honeybees, and even the occasional silkworm. Upon squinting deeply into this pastoral pastiche, I could make out a single blade of grass that stood out from all the rest. While the wind stirred the vegetation of the meadow, this singular blade of grass stood completely still...absolutely motionless in the breeze. Perplexed, I grabbed a magnifying glass and looked deeper into the cup and was amazed at what I saw. The blade of grass was not a blade of grass, but instead the Eiffel tower. Around its base, I could see little French cars, and little French people in little French cafes, doing little things that the French are wont to do. In one of my cups, the French people were all walking / driving in one direction...curiously towards the Atlantic ocean, if my geography is correct. In another cup, I had the misfortune of sneezing, which collapsed the Eiffel tower, and sent little French people flying into buildings, and even a few soaring into a mini-Spain and mini-Germany. The latter of which seemed to have stayed in 1942 somehow.

Alas, after being so intrigued by each cup of coffee, I discovered to my dismay that I had neglected the session in progress, so without further delay, I gulped down the cup and wondered how many more parallel universes would be destroyed that day...
E. Shaun Russell
Independent Producer
Moderator at The Womb

What s on your coffee today?

I've had three coffees today, and all three of them have had big, obvious penises. Turned in any direction, I couldn't find anything else to report -- just cocks. I put off mentioning it, hoping that something else would show up, but apparently today is all about the penis.

steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

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