Little details from your day

simmo wrote:
simmo wrote:

By the way, is this funny to anyone? I don't know what any of it means. It was just one of the images google came up with when I searched "twatty birthday".


Setting the cake attribute to "chocolate" will make it a chocolate cake.
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.

Little details from your day

lemur68 wrote:
simmo wrote:
simmo wrote:

By the way, is this funny to anyone? I don't know what any of it means. It was just one of the images google came up with when I searched "twatty birthday".


Setting the cake attribute to "chocolate" will make it a chocolate cake.

I have to say, even though that joke is at least 10 years old, I still got a kick out of it.

Also, i love cake.


Little details from your day

A new girl started today, I had to train her. She's really hot and we are getting along very well. She's very touchy feely flirtatious and was wearing a very low cut top and felt the need to bend over the desk in front of me in such a way I could not help but admire her bouncy goods several times during the day, got the full on entire eyeful.
Oh yeah, she's a bartender at night and I noticed she has a bunch of tattoos. You know what that means.
When I said goodbye as she's getting ready to leave she tells me 'I'm gonna wear a skirt tomorrow' for some reason. That I don;t get, why would she tell me she's gonna wear a skirt tomorrow? I know she's trying to be all flirtatious but 'I'm gonna wear a skirt tomorrow?' huh?
This could be trouble, big trouble.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

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