help with booking a show in St Louis

Glenn W. Turner wrote:I've heard that
Yowie are back together.

Yowie's back together, but they're finishing up writing a whole new set and still won't be playing shows for a while.

Hiwatt wrote:Try this place:

Stay away from the Creepy Crawl. Their new location is terrible, there's a chance they won't pay you, and they frequently overbook four-, five- and even six-band shows. It hasn't been a good venue for years.

The aforementioned Apop is supposed to be a decent little basement venue. I'm playing there next weekend for the first time, and so far I've heard nothing but good things about the place.

The Lemp Neighborhood Arts Center usually treats touring bands pretty well (food, place to stay, and gas money at the very least). I wrote some more information about Lemp and St. Louis booking help in general right here.

help with booking a show in St Louis

What's with the CR's focus on Missouri, scott?

Also, I didn't really think that St. Louis had any EA friendly bands...would someone care to illuminate me on what's going on down there?

I drove through on January 2nd, and was scared poopless of your confusing skyway stuff on the way to Chicago. Finding the correct exits was some scary, seat-of-your-pants Star Wars-type shit. The roads were many, windy (long "i"), and I could not see the ground from a U-Haul attached to a really big dolly.

I really like St. Louis though.

kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass

help with booking a show in St Louis

Minotaur029 wrote:Also, I didn't really think that St. Louis had any EA friendly bands...would someone care to illuminate me on what's going on down there?

The Conformists, dude. The Conformists.

Fuckin' A. The Conformists.

Hey Christopher, does Lemp Arts actually return their emails? We've tried booking there twice in the past with no luck--hell, no acknowledgment, if memory serves.

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

help with booking a show in St Louis

DrAwkward wrote:Hey Christopher, does Lemp Arts actually return their emails? We've tried booking there twice in the past with no luck--hell, no acknowledgment, if memory serves.

Yeah, sometimes you just have to try them a few times. Different people help out with shows there, so things get a little unorganized every now and then. I have some personal contact information you can try. I'll send you a PM.

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