simmo wrote:Many would argue that the right to bear children is a human right, and one that the state can and should have no right to interfere with.
I’m sure many would argue that. I might too.
However in certain circumstances rights are removed for the benefit of society at large. People have a right to roam about freely until they fuck someone over - then they (hopefully) go to prison. Their rights are taken away as a punishment and for the sake of the rest of us.
simmo wrote:And the relationship of "bearing" is very different to the relationship of "owning".
I (perhaps poorly) tried to touch on that distinction. The fact is, generally, that when someone has a child they are responsible for its upbringing (they ‘own’ that child in one sense). In certain circumstances this is not the case and the child is removed from the parent/s but there has been much talk in this thread of there being too many children waiting for adoption. This removed child is likely to become another one of them with his or her life chances diminished and their survival dependant entirely on the rest of society.
Why not raise the matter of whether they should have had the child in the first place?
simmo wrote:Consequently, the ethical considerations to be taken in to account when looking at these relationships are different.
I’m aware of that – that was part of my point to begin with – but I think we might have it the wrong way round.
simmo wrote:On the contrary, I think people have plenty to say about bad parents having kids.
Of course but I am not talking about someone who shouts at their kid in a supermarket here I’m talking about people who have been viciously cruel to their own offspring.
simmo wrote:But when people say that bad parents shouldn't have kids, this concept of "should" is a moral one. Again, is it the government's place to turn this subjective moral idea in to objective legislation?
Governments do do this. Much (if not all) legislation is based on moral considerations. The idea that revenge is bad is a moral conclusion. Some would consider it their right to take violent revenge on someone who had done them wrong. Society disagrees, legislates and punishes accordingly.
simmo wrote:Moreover, even if such a policy were to be pursued, how would it be tested and enforced?
Don't know
simmo wrote:Who would assess potential parents for their worth, and what criteria would they use?
Well, take a look at some news website and type in the search engine ‘social services criticised’ you will get a list of violent and abusive parents who have done astonishingly horrific things to their own children. Stabbed them with screwdrivers, crushed their babies skulls, used them as ashtrays and if you can imagine it much much worse. For me those things might receive the punishment –
‘you no longer have the right to bring more children onto the earth’ and I’d add ‘you cunt’ onto the end of it.
simmo wrote:How would the policy be enforced? Through medical intervention? Not the first time, the discussion seems to be veering dangerously towards eugenics....
Fine, I'm not worried about where the conversation might veer.
So can you - or anyone else for that matter - put forward a case to me why such a cunt as would rape or torture or murder (or all three) their own child should have the right to have another?
Medical intervention in such cases sounds fine to me.