Complete didn't have to be called Complete. There are plenty of other words that have all 'um letters in the name:
Code: Select all
$ grep -i c.*m.*p.*t /usr/share/dict/words | wc -l
You get to choose from 606 gems like "circumspect" and "microhymenopteron" and "vasculolymphatic"
If you need the "c" as the first letter:
Code: Select all
$ grep -i ^c.*m.*p.*t /usr/share/dict/words
You still have 372 possibilities such as "chromoplast" and "computer" and "cosmopolitanism".
If you don't care what order all 'um letters is in:
Code: Select all
$ grep c /usr/share/dict/words | grep m | grep p | grep t
Then you open things up to 3,523 choices such as "copolymerization" and "encephalomyelopathy" and "kleptomaniac" and "meatoscope" and "papillectomy".
But this reformed Complete concerns me. If it's just Curt & Mark from the original lineup, then the two other guys better have first names starting with P or L.