Little details from your day

benadrian wrote:
lemur68 wrote:
simmo wrote:
simmo wrote:

By the way, is this funny to anyone? I don't know what any of it means. It was just one of the images google came up with when I searched "twatty birthday".


Setting the cake attribute to "chocolate" will make it a chocolate cake.

I have to say, even though that joke is at least 10 years old, I still got a kick out of it.

Also, i love cake.


It's an XML birthday cake. What's not to understand about it?

I especially like how they ran out of room on the right-hand side and squished the lettering together. Classic. Beautiful.

Little details from your day

This week has been all about awkward work happenings...

Just a few months ago our team was flown out to NY to meet the local I.T. staff (we are kind of the larger corporate I.T. in STL)...

Monday we got the announcement that basically all the local (NY) I.T. staff were sacked, and that we will absorb their duties.

Today, I find out that I am part of a crew flying out next week to clean up and do forensics? I mean I believe they literally are talking about us having to log on to the machines of people who just left and see what all we can retrieve(?)

I'm feeling kind of creepy about this... nothing of my choosing, to be sure... but still...the non-I.T. people in NY who just lost their longtime co-worker friends are probably not going to be as warm with us this time...

Little details from your day

Arson Smith wrote:Today, I find out that I am part of a crew flying out next week to clean up and do forensics? I mean I believe they literally are talking about us having to log on to the machines of people who just left and see what all we can retrieve(?)

Ugh, I had to do something similar when I "replaced" someone.

Basically I was forced to usurp their position. I felt horrible about it. They were canned on a Monday and I came in on Tuesday. I didn't know anything about what had gone down until one of the other team members told me.

It might not go as badly as you think it will, but it will be awkward.

I propose heavy drinking and burgering whilst you are here.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

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