every year at Christmas, my family goes to see "a Christmas carol" at the missouri repertory theater. this means now we all know every word of this play. we also know when it gets slow.
my dad and i sat next to each other this Christmas at the show. we get to the part where ebenezer and the ghost of Christmas present get to gnawing about "the masses" and it's all goosey and sentimental and we're getting shifty.
i whisper to him that all this part of the play needs is for the kc wolf (the mascot of the kansas city chiefs) to ride onto the stage on a 4x4 and side-tackle and orphan and taunt him. this starts the giggling fit.
my dad adds that, in addition, the clausen dill pickle mascot should appear on the stage bridge from above wearing a cape, aviation goggles, lace-up boots -- the whole nine -- then, in a moment of pregnant pause, jump flatly onto the stage face-first.
it gets to "o come all ye faithful" and dad and i are cracking up so hard, tears are running down our face. my mom was so mad she wouldn't talk to us the rest of the night.
Tell us about the last time you laughed really, really hard
11Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:I remember getting kicked out of class in the 3rd grade because I couldn't stop giggling while our teacher lectured us about homeless people.