New football season 2008-2009

I think Redknapp could do well at Newcastle. In the meantime, I see no reason not to trot these out for another airing:

"Even when they had Moore, Hurst and Peters, West Ham's average finish was about 17th. It just shows how crap the other 8 of us were"

"With the foreign players it's more difficult. Most of them don't even bother with the golf, they don't want to go racing. They don't even drink"

"Samassi Abou don't speak the English too good"

"Dani is so good-looking I don't know whether to play him or fuck him"

"Hartson's got more previous than Jack the Ripper"

"By the look of him he must have headed a lot of balls" - Harry Redknapp about the lovely Iain Dowie

"Where are we in relation to Europe? Not far from Dover"

"I got a fantastic reception from the crowd here at Upton Park - and why shouldn't I? Now I'm looking forward to getting one off the wife. Reception I mean. I'm too old for all that kind of stuff."

"I sorted out the formation last night lying in bed with the wife. When your husband's as ugly as me, you'd only want to talk football"

"Van Persie obviously thought 'Why take the piss out of poor old Southampton? I'll get sent off and make a game of it."

"He took a knock on the ankle - but we played some Bob Marley reggae music and he was fine. That lad is so laid-back it's not true!" [on Kenwyne Jones]

We went to watch a show - Billy Joel. Half of the foreign lads weren't quite sure who Billy Joel was, but I enjoyed it anyway. For the Charlton game I'll really punish them - I'll take them to see Mamma Mia."
Twenty-four hours a week, seven days a month

New football season 2008-2009

Mike Ashley is the 25th richest person in Britain. He owns Sport and Ski, Lillywhites, Sportsworld, The Original Shoe Company and 25% of Matalan. Not a poor fella then.

Let's face it, with shitloads of money and an average home attendance of 50,000, Newcastle should be doing better than they are.

Oh, and Anelka's gone to Chelsea.
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


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