Little details from your day

Last night at a party, in the kitchen, I met a U.S. marine (husband of a friend) who got back from Iraq two days after Christmas and is heading back this Tues. (for 7 months). I didn't press him on anything, but one thing he offered was that "nobody wants to talk about Vietnam, but we're moving toward a policy of Vietnamization... my unit is withdrawing to the outskirts of [one of the eastern provinces] but ready to move back in... officially there's no more IEDs being planted in the area, but we found several the day we withdrew." Meanwhile his wife is staring into the side of his head.

Ah, small-talk in the U.S.A. There was a lot of silence and head nodding in response. "So how'd you guys originally meet?" I asked. "In college. Back in the glory days," she said, still staring into the side of her husband's head.

Little details from your day

It's winter, so you'll probably want something warmer. Might I suggest a black watch cap, also known as the Ian Mackaye hat? That worked for me the time that I wound up with a crew cut right after Christmas, due to an unfortunate incident with cheap drugstore bleach. I wore it through March, at which point my hair looked not quite as horrible. It kept me warm and made me look tough.
"To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost."

-Gustave Flaubert

Little details from your day

Just got back from seeing The Conformists play a show here in St Louis. Shawn, from Yowie, is their drummer now. They were good. They have a very different sound from the last time I saw them back in 2001 or so.

I really liked the opening band, Big Fun from Milwaukee, even though I wanted to dislike them. They were very discoey and used a keytar, but they won me over.

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