Little details from your day

simmo wrote:Me and Dindon went walking in Matlock yesterday - it was cold and wet and horrible but we had a really nice day.

We walked along here:


up here:


passed by here:


and ended up on top of here:


Then we went to a weird Italian restaurant and ate a really nice but really small and very hurried meal. Drunk whiskey, got the train home. Awesome.

You found the castle? Can you sneak in?

Little details from your day

Last night, my car got rear ended at a traffic light at the corner of Devon and Leavitt. My dog and I are fine but girlfriend has a sore neck. Car is scratched a bit (more than it already was) on back bumber but otherwise ok. Douchebag driver of the other car sped off but not before I got his license plate. Will make a report today.

Dark Buick SUV - Illinois license plate 681 8127.
Eat me.

Little details from your day

The daily Canuck news summary for which I write has been lost in the wilderness for some time now, revenue-free and saddled with an embarrassingly outdated website. I wrote up a concise proposal on how to generate more traffic and revenue redesigning the site using basic stuff like RSS, ad networks, social bookmarking sites, etc. The editor immediately pounced on it and wants to implement all of my changes, as I proposed them, within six weeks.

It is only by comparison with these people that I come off like Baron von Webguy. Now, after having convinced them that I can handle a WordPress installation and design some site templates with Dreamweaver, I have to go out and actually learn how to do these things. I think this is going to be fun.

Little details from your day

Weird Sunday detail.

Went to meet a friend of my fiance's yesterday. We woke up early and drove 45 minutes to get there. Now my fiance hadn't seen her friend in four years and I'd never met friend or her husband. We get there and the friend and husband didn't even get out of their PJs for the first hour. We get the tour of the house which was nice if slightly disheveled but they have a toddler so that's to be expected. We go in and husband and mother in-law are sitting at their computer...nothing so much as a hello or even bothering to turn away from the monitor to look at us. Fiance and I go and sit on the couch almost unnoticed while the regular Sunday activities go on around us. After about an hour we take friend grocery shopping. We come back and sit on a couch in the garage while friend and assorted other family smoke weed. I go inside and watch about four episodes on dvd of some comedy with husband. Neither of us say more than ten words the whole time but he's a nice guy and I can relate to the silent type. Friend makes lunch and we find out that it's ready by the fact that she sits down with a plate for herself in front of the tv. We eat lunch, watch some more tv, go back in the garage to watch more cigs and weed being smoked. Fiance whispers to me after about three hours "we should get going". We grab our coats, say our goodbyes and take off. As we're driving away we kind of look at each other, laugh and say "what just happened?"

Friend is VERY nice and funny and I can tell she has a good heart I guess I just make an event out of visitors that I haven't seen in a while and they treated us more like 'family who comes over all the time' if that makes sense. Nice people, strange day.

Husband didn't get out of his pajamas the whole time.
geiginni wrote:How about commemorative clock celebrating glorious anniversary of dead heros of great patriotic NASCAR?

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