Saturday night I had two shows in two cities with two different bands.
A lesser man (with more balls) might have told one of the bands "Sorry, I can't do it. Find another drummer or cancel the show."
I made other plans. I played in Atlanta with Five-Eight at Smith's Old Bar from 11:15 to midnight. I leapt up from behind the drum kit at Smith's at midnight, ran down the back stairs, jumped into my car and rushed to Athens.
I managed to make the drive in one hour and ten minutes.
Someone was waiting outside the club in Athens for me, they went and parked my car. My vistalites were already on stage when I arrived. By 1:25, I was starting my second show.
I now wish that there was some way I could play a show before every show, because my muscles were so warm and loose that it was easily the best Music Hates You show I have played in months.
I now realize that any difficulties I have playing MHY songs (which are fairly athletic undertakings) are purely because my muscles aren't warm enough.
I feel kind of like a super hero right now, but I guess playing two shows in two different cities with two different bands isn't THAT big a deal...
Little details from your day
5891Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE