Little details from your day

My mouth continues to bleed profusely, he said it should stop after a half hour. That was 11:30 he said that, it's now almost 3:30.
If I have to go back there and get stitches or something I'm gonna be real pissed.
Everything else on the human body fixes itself eventually, break your arm or leg? Wrap it up and It'll heal itself...cut yourself? Wrap it up and It'll heal itself....
Fucking teeth? Shit we need to eat? They get fucked up and you are just shit out of luck.
I don't get that at all. Sharks teeth just fall out when they get fucked up, and they grow new ones. Why can't we?
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Little details from your day

dontfeartheringo wrote:Saturday night I had two shows in two cities with two different bands.

A lesser man (with more balls) might have told one of the bands "Sorry, I can't do it. Find another drummer or cancel the show."

I made other plans. I played in Atlanta with Five-Eight at Smith's Old Bar from 11:15 to midnight. I leapt up from behind the drum kit at Smith's at midnight, ran down the back stairs, jumped into my car and rushed to Athens.

I managed to make the drive in one hour and ten minutes.

Someone was waiting outside the club in Athens for me, they went and parked my car. My vistalites were already on stage when I arrived. By 1:25, I was starting my second show.

I now wish that there was some way I could play a show before every show, because my muscles were so warm and loose that it was easily the best Music Hates You show I have played in months.

I now realize that any difficulties I have playing MHY songs (which are fairly athletic undertakings) are purely because my muscles aren't warm enough.

I feel kind of like a super hero right now, but I guess playing two shows in two different cities with two different bands isn't THAT big a deal...

HA - in my mind you shall forevermore now be 'dontfearthephil' (collins)

(nice work!)

Little details from your day

Marsupialized wrote:My mouth continues to bleed profusely, he said it should stop after a half hour. That was 11:30 he said that, it's now almost 3:30.

You gotta keep chomping down on the gauze. My mouth bled for hours after I got a guy yanked last year.

Don't spit. It might disrupt the seal forming over the hole in your gum, and then it become an abcess which would suck and be real stinky.

Hope they let you keep the tooth.
H-GM wrote:Still don't make you mexican, Dances With Burros.

Little details from your day

itchy mcgoo wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:My mouth continues to bleed profusely, he said it should stop after a half hour. That was 11:30 he said that, it's now almost 3:30.

You gotta keep chomping down on the gauze. My mouth bled for hours after I got a guy yanked last year.

Don't spit. It might disrupt the seal forming over the hole in your gum, and then it become an abcess which would suck and be real stinky.

Hope they let you keep the tooth.

well too late for the spitting as I have been spitting out blood all day, there's only so much you can swallow before you get sick
I keep chomping down on it but then when I go to replace it the gauze is stuck to the wound and I pull it off and there's more blood.
Fuck what a mess.
I couldn't even look at the tooth, I saw it sitting there all bloody and gunked up with shit and I almost puked.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Little details from your day

itchy mcgoo wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:My mouth continues to bleed profusely, he said it should stop after a half hour. That was 11:30 he said that, it's now almost 3:30.

You gotta keep chomping down on the gauze. My mouth bled for hours after I got a guy yanked last year.

Don't spit. It might disrupt the seal forming over the hole in your gum, and then it become an abcess which would suck and be real stinky.

Hope they let you keep the tooth.

Put a plain tea bag (ahem) in your mouth where the tooth used to be and suck on it for a good, long while. At least 15 minutes.

Sounds crazy, but I had to have a tooth pulled as a teenager and the socket wouldn't stop bleeding. Dentist recommended the tea bag, and it did the trick. All kinds of good stuff in tea.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

Little details from your day

Marsupialized wrote:for some reason he says not to spit for 24 hours....why the fuck would I be swallowing blood for 24 hours? What would that possibly help?

From what I remember when I got wisdom teeth removed, the act of spitting and the act of drinking through a straw are two things that they are afraid can contribute to "dry sockets"... thankfully I did not get "dry sockets", but I have heard that it is a whole 'nother world of pain...

...if it is still gushing blood... did he give you any cotton/gauze

(just as I was typing that I stopped, because I remembered how you feel about cotton... hmmm... don't know what to tell you then...)

Is there any other type of absorbent thing you can pack in your mouth to help with the bleeding?

Little details from your day

Arson Smith wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:for some reason he says not to spit for 24 hours....why the fuck would I be swallowing blood for 24 hours? What would that possibly help?

From what I remember when I got wisdom teeth removed, the act of spitting and the act of drinking through a straw are two things that they are afraid can contribute to "dry sockets"... thankfully I did not get "dry sockets", but I have heard that it is a whole 'nother world of pain...

...if it is still gushing blood... did he give you any cotton/gauze

(just as I was typing that I stopped, because I remembered how you feel about cotton... hmmm... don't know what to tell you then...)

Is there any other type of absorbent thing you can pack in your mouth to help with the bleeding?

I told him about the cotton thing and he gave me some other kind of gauze, it's like a little sponge type thing.

Yeah Dry Sockets suck....I mean I liked their first 7 inch but then they got really lame.

I know nothing of Tea, what type of tea should I do this with?
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

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