by The MayorofRockNRoll_Archive
I plan on going to Harry Truman, maybe in the summer semester. I kinda fucked my chance to go this semester (procrastination, lack of familiarity with the process, plus there was shit in my work schedule that makes it not entirely my fault).
I went to junior college right out of high school and fucked it up. I wasn't paying for it, and they weren't taking role. I was in my late teens, horny and distracted, there were problems in my home life with my folks that prompted me looking to move out, education at the time didn't seem very punk, blah blah blah de blah...As a total fuck up I'm not that unique.
I've since lived in a couple of different cities, bounced around from job to job, attempted to take the autodidactic route and would non-academically find people who taught shit I was interested in, but it never got me out of wage slavery.
The last couple of years have been employment chaos, and I've worked a couple of real bottom of the barrel shitholes...I mean, places that are insulting to work at if you're an adult. The whole thing has made me mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted.
Some people turn to Jesus, I'm turning to academia. Fuggit, at times I feel like a male Jerri Blanks. I'm not getting any younger, that's for sure.
So I say NC.
You call me a hater like that's a bad thing
Ekkssvvppllott wrote:MayorofRockNRoll is apparently the poor man's thinking man.