Bottomless Pit, Coke Dares, Wishek---KALAMAZOO!

Well, i won't speak for anyone else, but I put on the show and it literally couldn't have gone better.

Everything was wonderful. My fucking FACE HURT from laughing at the banter of Coke Dares. They might be the greatest people I've ever met. Better than if Ganhdi and Mother Theresa had a kid. Better than that kid would have turned out, if, you know, they had a kid. We talked about mormons and rock and all sorts of shit all night long. Just tremendous.

The Pit were fucking great. Tim's beard is full and supple. Brian seems to have gotten even TALLER. They were loud loud loud. Not SKWM loud but loud! Maybe my favorite pit show so far.

Lots of nice folks showed up, including a few folks on the board here.

All in all, from my perspective, a great time.


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