anyone in london-uk want to form a decent band?

i hope no one minds me posting this here.

im between bands at the moment as i quit my last one because it was so shit. i would like to play some music with some talented, creative people. if you would like to jam, please get in contact with me - i just want to play some interesting music. ive got lots of music ready to go - and some of it isnt even shit. drummers are particularly what im after - i know this is a long shot as they are in short suply though, but hey. on the plus side, it will be far better than any band you are currently in.

anyone would be great - multiinstrumentalists, interesting guitarists, keyboards, sax, drums whatever.

cool man, if anyone fancies getting in touch it would be great and not a waste of your time.

thanks again for your time and dont worry it wont sound to much like shellac.
a sense of history

anyone in london-uk want to form a decent band?

I play guitar and drum a little bit (although have no kit just like everyone else who thinks they can play drums!) I play a little bit of jazzy rhodesy piano and I have an Akai MPC sampler sequencer which I can do all kinds of things with some tasteful some not...

I've always wanted to do something in the vein of Chavez but open to anything really. I'm just looking for something to do with new people without aspirations of major label record deals! I live in Acton in West London.

If this has piqued your interest, even moderately, just holler.

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