NYC - Band s Upcoming Shows
102Big John wrote:There seems to be some kind of dreaded stomach flu going arround.
There is one in Chicago.
If anybody catches it, prepare yourself by securing good whiskey, a long mirror, a pencil and paper and 86 rolls of toilet paper.
The pencil and paper is for use in writing your will which will seem necessary by day five.
Day six, you'll want a good drink and because no one has stomach issues for more than six without it being cancer, who fucking cares if it makes you worse.
Day seven you'll realize you haven't been this skinny in a midWest winter in like twelve years, so spend the day trying on shit you shrunk in the dryer and Amphetamine Reptile t-shirts from back when they were so cool.
If you get past day eight, pm me, I want to know what records you have so that the will can be revised.
Anyway, I made it out alive and this life is so fucking BTFL.
Feel better burun!
H-GM wrote:Still don't make you mexican, Dances With Burros.
NYC - Band s Upcoming Shows
and OMG you can come to my show, which is at 8pm and STILL make patrick's show, at 10pm! that's a lot of drinking and enjoying of music you can do!
but if you put my band and patrick's band in a death cage match, we'd still win. due to lasers.
Last edited by katie_ a princess_Archive on Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:I remember getting kicked out of class in the 3rd grade because I couldn't stop giggling while our teacher lectured us about homeless people.
NYC - Band s Upcoming Shows
105dont despair, lady
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:I remember getting kicked out of class in the 3rd grade because I couldn't stop giggling while our teacher lectured us about homeless people.
NYC - Band s Upcoming Shows
106Young Widows are really good. Tombs is my favorite thing Mike Hill's been involved with - they are also great. Black Horse I don't know about. But maybe they're very nice.
= Justin
NYC - Band s Upcoming Shows
108Justin from Queens wrote:
Young Widows are really good. Tombs is my favorite thing Mike Hill's been involved with - they are also great. Black Horse I don't know about. But maybe they're very nice.
= Justin
That show looks amazing.
Totally want to see Young Widows, and of course The Austerity Program.
Stupid other countries.
NYC - Band s Upcoming Shows
109burun wrote:Do you have an idea about when you'll go on?
Figure 8:30 for first band, we're third, so 10:30 to 11. But, weeknight though it is, you will be punishing yourself if you do not stick around to see YW. (And the 'you' is not you, JS. It's the collective you.)
= Justin
NYC - Band s Upcoming Shows
110that poster is hot
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:I remember getting kicked out of class in the 3rd grade because I couldn't stop giggling while our teacher lectured us about homeless people.