I took the same ex mentioned in the other girlfriend-music thread to see a number of shows, but she ended up becoming a huge fan of all the bands I did so with (including the Melvins, the JSBX, and a local band that a few of my friends were in). She was remarkably open-minded musically. I feel at least slightly vindicated, though, that because of me she is now a fan of both Jets to Brazil and Propagandhi. Take that, ex!

My current girlfriend, however, flat-out refuses to come to shows with me. I almost got her to see Trans Am once, because she genuinely liked their last album, but at the last minute things went awry and we had to leave.
Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.


i was surprised at her dislike, but the show i remember taking her to that she seemed to like the least was the Cells at the double door a few years ago. she more enjoyed the Enon/Dismemberment Plan show, which is a complete shocker to me.

oh, and she really didn't like Volcano!, but i don't know that i did either, and since we were actually there to see Danger Adventure and the Detholz!, both of which we both thoroughly enjoyed, that show wouldn't count.


Just before my girlfriend and I became a couple, we spent a day at a Japanese Anime all dayer (her idea) followed by a Killing Joke gig (my idea). She said it made her feel disorientated. I explained that that was the point.

The only band she'd ever seen prior to this was a German ZZ Top tribute band. That should have disorientated anybody.


Taking boys to rock shows is how I weed out the "keepers" from the ones I want to kick to the curb.

I kept the one who liked the Mekons, but he turned out to be a vicious drunk (no, I wasn't surprised in the least) who I had to practically beat up to get him to leave me alone. We are now poker buddies.

I persuaded the boy I loved to go see two shows in one week, both of which were sort of out of his element: Glenn Campbell/Jimmy Webb (an amazing show in a very small cabaret club) and Wire. He had never heard any of these, I got him to see Wire by dangling openers Pan_Sonic in front of him. He felt less out of his element, which in turn made him feel comfy enough to stand behind me and put his arms around me in the sole public display of affection I have ever allowed at a rock show.

Wire rocked, of course.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

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