Little details from your day

tommydski wrote:I remember that. I think you posted about it on the forums.

It'll be in this thread somewhere; it definitely counted as a little detail.

After this morning's discussion, and my realisation that the nice lady that sits next to me at work was celebrating her birthday, I nipped to Marks and Sparks at lunchtime and bought two cans of M&S' own G&T. I hid them in the fridge, and then snuck them out around 3.30pm. She was very pleased (in days gone by, she smoked coloured cigarettes from a holder; she is responsible for the Marilyn Monroe calendar near our desks) and, properly chilled, it was a satisfying and welcome drink-at-desk.

10% abv, too. Even in a small amount, that was a nice little kick for a January afternoon in the afternoon.
Twenty-four hours a week, seven days a month

Little details from your day

Pure L wrote:
dontfeartheringo wrote:Today at 2pm a large pack of lumber, rockwool batts, sound insulated glass and plywood arrives at my studio.

The coming three day weekend will be spent building sound traps, installing a window between the control room and the drum room and building a drum platform.

I don't mind telling you that I am a bit nervous about how much I have taken on, since a large part of my labor force is musicians who also know how to swing a hammer, and they always seem to find something else to do at the last minute.

I am also anxiously awaiting the news on my Focusrite mic pres which went into the shop a week ago with a bad channel.

In other news, I have found a Soundcraft Ghost 24 in a second hand music store. They're only asking about $1450 for it. I bet I could get it talked down to $1200. Eventually, I could send it off to get the superwhammy put on it by these guys. How to get a world class board on the installment plan...


This is an awesome undertaking. You've probably mentioned it before but are you doing this in a garage? A basement? An honest-to-goodness pre-built building?

My garage has been earmarked for a similar project for far too long.

I'd be in favor of a whole thread dedicated to this project. If only for those of us who would like to do the same thing.


I think that the problem with giving this a whole thread would be that in very short order, people who actually know what they're doing with a studio would see me for the impostor that I am.

My studio is the B Room at Pigpen Studios in Athens, GA. Pigpen is in a 10,000 square foot warehouse in what USED TO BE the abandoned and derelict part of town. Half the space is rehearsal studios for bands and the other half is the A Room, the B Room and storage.

The B Room has been open for a year as a hip hop/acoustic music/Beat Detective and Overdub room. I am now expanding into the room that has been our lounge for years and making it the drum room.

We were using a Digi002 rack unit, which has now been sold and replaced with a Digi002 console. An M-Audio Octane should be arriving in the mail any day now, as well as some mic stands, more cables, etx.

Additional mic pres are the Focusrite ISA 428 Pre Pak. I have access to all of the mics used in the A Room.

The B Room will henceforth be known as "The Pig Sty." I have a friend who has done a logo for t-shirts and such. It's a pig driving a 1972 Dodge Charger, Big Daddy Roth style, and it says "The Pig Sty: Fast and Dirty."

Most of my clients will be punk/metal/stoner/doom bands.


Shit yes.
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

Little details from your day

burun wrote:
Arson Smith wrote:Flight back to STL tonight (from LGA) is cancelled - whoops.

Never had one just straght cancelled on me before (I don't really fly that often).

Stuck in NYC? Oh, the pain!

Well... as it turns out... we got a 9pm flight out of Newark instead... joy!

So then in the Newark airport, I spied this kinda slick-lookin' cat rollin' up, right? Man I just caught a brief glimpse of him in profile, but in profile as he had just passed like a critical angle to really get a good look at the face... cat's sorta strollin' up to the gate of another flight like with just minutes to spare... nice fuzzy black hat, a little bit of flashy jewelry, a certain swagger. He not even stressed out for cutting it close - he all on the cell phone with somebody, and then I hear *that voice*...

I tell my travelin' companions: "Man, I think that was fuckin' _______ ______!" and of course they're like "yeah, whatever, dude..."

The moment was over, he was already boarded on the plane, but I spied that his flight was headed to Chicago.

So here is today's research:



Little details from your day

tmidgett wrote:
tallchris wrote:At work today, I won a free trip to Las Vegas in March. All expenses are paid, I get to take my fiancee, and we are getting put up in the Wynn Hotel.

I'm not that into Vegas, but am more than willing go there for free.

The Wynn is very nice. The common areas are cheesy, of course, but the rooms are great.

Spa is good. Use the spa.

The spa is one of many activities I have to choose from during Day 3 of our trip!

Someone want to help me choose between:

ATV Adventure Tour
Mario Andretti BMW Z3 Ride Along Experience
Richard Petty NASCAR Ride Along Experience
Premium Outlet Shopping Experience
Spa Treatment at the Spa at the Wynn

My fiancee and I can't make up our minds.
Pure L wrote:I get shocked whenever I use my table saw while barefooted.

I Made Out With You Before You Were Cool
Don't Sit On The Pickets

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