R.I.P. Bobby Fischer

Bizarre. Yesterday I borrowed Volume 4 of Kasparov's My Great Predecessors from the library and spent a good few hours last night reading about Fischer's youth. At around midnight I played through the game that rock1rock2 posted above. Bobby was really young when he played that game - about fourteen, I think - but he called it the greatest game of his career.

Sitting down half-asleep this morning some time around seven, with Al-jazeera on tv while I fed my baby son, I had to question whether I really had just seen Fischer's name on the ticker-tape at the bottom of the screen or whether my uncaffeinated brain had scanned the book cover on its way to focusing on the tv. Five minutes later, it came round again. He's dead.

Goodbye Bobby.


R.I.P. Bobby Fischer

In 1964, Fischer went on a barnstorming tour of the United States where he would play exhibitions agains multiple players simultaniously. Each of his challengers would start a game and Fischer would just walk around the room, glance at the board, make his move and go on to the next game. My father actually got to participate in one of these exhibitions. One of his claims to fame is that when Fischer approached his board at some point in their match, he had to pause for a couple seconds before making his decision. My father considers this to be his greatest chess accomplishment.


(This is just a stock photo, not from their actual match)
Eat me.

R.I.P. Bobby Fischer

AlBStern wrote:In 1964, Fischer went on a barnstorming tour of the United States where he would play exhibitions agains multiple players simultaniously. Each of his challengers would start a game and Fischer would just walk around the room, glance at the board, make his move and go on to the next game. My father actually got to participate in one of these exhibitions. One of his claims to fame is that when Fischer approached his board at some point in their match, he had to pause for a couple seconds before making his decision. My father considers this to be his greatest chess accomplishment.


(This is just a stock photo, not from their actual match)

great story.
but i couldn't help to think that this is the chess equivalent of a gang-bang.
so yeah, i'm a pussy.

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