Replacement Tubes

I need to get new Tubes for my Altec 436C, they are making more high frequency noise the harder I push them. And it looks like cocaine resin on the inside. Anyhow I need 3 tubes: 6BC8 , 6GC7, 6AL5. Anyone know where I can find these new? Thanks!
you can roll a Turd in Glitter....but it is still a turd

Replacement Tubes

electronaut wrote:White shit inside the tube usually means the vacuum is bad -- not to be confused with shiny shit inside the tube, which is good.

If you're not up for the drive into the city to buy them from Triode, you can pay higher prices and order them from Antique Electronic Supply.

But if you don't mind the drive, Triode should get your money.

when i lived in DC, i bought stuff from triode and got it mailed to me. now that i'm back in chicago, i can actually go there in person. my point is, if you don't want to drive there, buy your tubes from them and have them shipped. the guys at triode are great folk.

Replacement Tubes

Is there anything I need to do before or during this process? Or do I just replace them and go?

I'm about to replace all 6 power tubes in my fender supertwinreverb and would also like to know what else i should be checking while i do this. I don't have a DMM yet or $200 worth of soldering tools, but i'll get there. For now it'dd be cool just to know the info anyway.

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