Little details from your day

simmo wrote:I'm applying to become a teacher (A levels).

I've got about 200 words worth of space to answer the following question:

In the space below, write a letter giving your reasons for wanting to teach in Post Compulsory Education and describe what you could offer to the teaching profession.

Anyone got any good ideas of what to say? I'm mainly coming out with shit like "I've always had a passion for academic study and think I could communicate this to students", etc.

Bah- I hate application forms! I bunked the day off work to do this one or I knew I'd never do it.

I don't think it matters too much as long as you can come across as intelligent and enthusiastic- not that I've applied to be a teacher, mind.

Don't worry about a first draft- just write a load of shit no matter how bad you think it looks. The worst thing is staring at a blank page/screen. Try and think honestly as to why you'd want to be doing it as well as what you think they want to read- any particular subjects? why those? then pretty up the language and you're away.

Also, you're probably best off not mentioning those child abuse allegations.

Little details from your day

Tommy Alpha wrote:Also, you're probably best off not mentioning those child abuse allegations.

Don't worry, I've learnt my lesson the hard way.

I'll never try and rent a bouncy castle again.
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


Little details from your day

So I finally got together with all four members of my band, my baby for the first time this year. Was shitting it a little because we have our first gig in but a few months and things seem to move SLOWLY with this group- high chance of it going badly. Nailed real bastard songs we haven’t played for ages, began to nail a new bastard song which was fucking us up before and I have begun to ‘sing’ despite nerves telling me it’s a bad idea. FUCK YOU NERVES! I SHOUT GOOD!!!

All in all, on top of the blinking world. Now if I could just nail my employment/ money situation as well, things would be ay oh kay in Alphaville.

Little details from your day


I have a childhood picture of my wife in my office. The picture is of her at age ten, and in the picture she looks like a buck-toothed Leif Garrett; a goofy little boy with a half inch gap between her bucked teeth. Most people who don't know me ask if it's my son.

My short boss walks in and says "You know I have a picture of my wife when she was a child, too. Here's a picture of her when she was 12." The photo is of her on her softball team; she's posing with the bat, looking into the camera, smiling. It's a cute photo. "That's cute." I respond. "Yeah, I tell her 'I can't be mad at you when I look at that picture.'"
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

Little details from your day

honeyisfunny wrote:I have a real bad cold.

I just got over one. There is a really bad one being spread around on this side of the pond.

Yokozuna Hakuho lost today. That puts him and Asashoryu at a dead tie for the yusho......bueller.......bueller......anyone.......anyone.....

why do I bother...Back to the lamest thing I do other than post here....... my Sumo fantasy league.

Little details from your day

Mandroid2.0 wrote:I don't want to be hit by someone running a red light or something dumb, because it's North America and most drivers here need to be shot for their lack of skill.

Marsupialized wrote:The last time I saw her, she had some Jewish bullshit going on

ubercat wrote:You're fucking cock-tease aren't you, you little minx.

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