but...doesn't that fly in the face of your thinking it rules?
oh yeah. and make with the go cart (or is it kart? the louisville hardcore site has it as kart) ride, somebody!
Evergreen - Go Kart Ride
12slowriot wrote:but...doesn't that fly in the face of your thinking it rules?
oh yeah. and make with the go cart (or is it kart? the louisville hardcore site has it as kart) ride, somebody!
I have it on the computer I haven't touched my pile of 7 inches in years
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom
Evergreen - Go Kart Ride
13I have the "pants off" seven inch on HiBall. Weston worked on it. The b-side was released on the reissue of self titled.
zom-zom wrote:Why do drummers insist on calling the little stools they sit on "thrones"? Kings of nothing.
Evergreen - Go Kart Ride
14Evergreen! This reminds me, last week I found a box of old Hi-Ball cassettes in my loft that I thought I had lost in the move. It is their self-titled record. Very cool!
Please PM me with your address if you would like an Evergreen cassette. The one condition I must insist is that you will actually listen to it! Possibly whilst rocking out?
Please PM me with your address if you would like an Evergreen cassette. The one condition I must insist is that you will actually listen to it! Possibly whilst rocking out?
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.
Evergreen - Go Kart Ride
15Send me a pm anyone that's interested, I might be able to help...
and yeah, it's spelled with a K. Oddly, I added some of the info in their wiki there, so I can only blame my swiss-cheese brain.
and yeah, it's spelled with a K. Oddly, I added some of the info in their wiki there, so I can only blame my swiss-cheese brain.